Filed under: Family
Lots of snow up in the tops of the mountains, the perfect weather here far down below, with blossoms on the trees that in our own climate were gone over a month ago and all of it celebrating with us–what a perfect day.
Took the kids and my folks out to dinner tonight to the kids’ favorite restaurant, an Indian one where they all love the food and where Michelle can easily enjoy a meal out without wondering about the ingredients; the staff knows her and they know her dairy allergy.
She told me they had gone out of their way quite a few times for her, that they had offered to make her items not on the menu and had been willing to give her points on how to cook like they do, sharing enthusiasms over this method here and that spice there. They had been careful in taking good care of her–creating a new twist on the phrase that whom you serve, you love.
The fact that the manager afterwards made a point of telling me she would be missed was quite something to me. He totally made my day.
12 Comments so far
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What a nice contrast. My DH has spend 3 month in California last year and he was in love with it.
Comment by Henya 04.24.09 @ 12:29 amYou and your family have so much to celebrate. And you are with them to do so. A miracle!
Comment by Beth 04.24.09 @ 5:24 amHow cool to experience two springtimes!
The dinner sounds great; I’ve never dined at an Indian restaurant. 🙂
Wow. That’s special! Isn’t it nice to know you’re not the only one who wants to cook what your daugther can eat and enjoy?
Comment by Channon 04.24.09 @ 7:58 amWe find that ethnic family-run restaurants are almost unfailingly willing to help us out with that kind of thing (Oscar has similar allergies as your Sam).
We have two favorite Thai restaurants we love, for that very reason. The owner of one has become a good friend, and misses us when we don’t srop in.
It sounds like you’re having a wonderful trip all the way around — and no snow in your Birks!
Comment by Jocelyn 04.24.09 @ 9:46 amThat’s so sweet. I always return to the restaurants that are like that, they truly care about each customer. I’ve found it to be ethnic and family run restaurants as well.
I don’t have special dietary needs, but I call for spicy, and there are only a few places that cater to that for me. I return to them whenever I can.
Ah, you found your snow! Summer appears to be over around here — it turned cold again. What a wonderful treat to be with family at this special time! Please give my congratulations to Michelle.
Comment by Don Meyer 04.24.09 @ 10:13 amCongrats Michelle and Richard!!! And Mom, for making it through!
Comment by Karen 04.24.09 @ 10:30 amAlison I have an Award for you on my blog and I hope your having a wonderful spring day:)(((Hugs)))) Darcy
Comment by Darcy 04.24.09 @ 11:31 amI know that you’re thouroughly enjoying every minute. Take a deep breath & let all those wonderful memories you’re making sink in.
Comment by TripletMom 04.24.09 @ 8:01 pmWe have an Indian restaurant here where they take care of people (well, me:)) in just the same way. The place is not very fancy at all, but the people who run it sure are great.
Congratulations to the grads! And how awesome that your parents are there too.
Comment by karin 04.25.09 @ 6:34 pmLeave a comment
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