Julia? That you?
Tuesday March 17th 2009, 9:58 pm
Filed under: Amaryllis,Knit,Life

opened todayI’ve had the experience before of knitting something, giving it away, and then totally forgetting later that I’d made it.  I’ve found projects stashed away I’d forgotten starting, I’ve seen people wearing scarves that answered my inner question as to whether I’d knitted for them yet–oh, right, right, that yarn, I remember that.  Maybe not what I made with it or just who it went to, but the yarn, yes, I almost always remember working with whatever yarn when I see it.

But this one really threw me.  Some of the women at church were throwing a mystery-dinner party tonight, and Christina showed up wearing a gorgeous open-front circular shawl, borrowed from someone else for her costume. She didn’t know who’d knitted it and had just assumed I probably had.

whatever these areI was stunned. There’s no way I could have made that in that colorway and not remember it, but that was definitely my pattern.

Turns out that someone I didn’t know was now a knitter and that I didn’t remember they’d bought my book, if I knew, had made a sweeping, gorgeous Julia shawl from it.  And I’d had no idea.

But I couldn’t be absolutely sure it wasn’t something from my own needles till I’d eyeballed its yarn up close: that sealed it. Nope, I’ve never knit with that one. That’s someone else’s knitting.

Christina was trying to wrap her mind around the fact that I had to see the yarn to know that, at the same time I was wrapping mine around the covert knitter who didn’t tell me she’d succombed to my addiction.  It was pretty funny.

17 Comments so far
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I love it that you had to look the yarn to be sure. Those “stealth” book buyers – just can’t trust them. Since I just knitted a Julia’s shawl, you should know that you are very unlikely to see it, since it’s headed to SoCal as we speak!

Comment by Renee 03.17.09 @ 11:08 pm

No yarnagnosia there!

Comment by LynnM 03.18.09 @ 1:25 am

The case of your shawl that you didn’t knit…chuckles…glad you solved the mystery.
I love the deep red amaryllis.

Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 03.18.09 @ 3:34 am

Do you now post all your knitting projects on Ravelry? The shawl must have been truly beautiful if someone thought you knit it.

Comment by Joansie 03.18.09 @ 5:12 am

Your flowers are gorgeous! Here in SW Ohio,in my very own yard, our crocuses AND daffodils are in bloom. Yippee! Even though I’m allergic to just about everything that produces pollen (starting with grass and going on up to trees), I loves me some spring!

Comment by Shirley 03.18.09 @ 5:45 am

I’d like to just sit and stare at the deep, DEEP red bloom…

Comment by Channon 03.18.09 @ 6:11 am

I just love that deep red amaryillis. Mine don’t bloom anymore-just put up big green leaves. I have really enjoyed your display of them these past weeks. Have a great day!

Comment by Carol Garnier 03.18.09 @ 6:21 am

Knitamnesia! lol.

That is SO cool though to have your shawl walk in like that!!

Comment by karin 03.18.09 @ 6:24 am

I think we’ve talked about this through emails but I have the same problem. Can’t even begin to remember everything I’ve knitted! I don’t even post it all on Ravelry, either. It’s not important to me in that way–I’d prefer my knitting to be part of the enormous anonymous tradition of fabulous and strong women’s work, made from the work of our hands, minds and hearts.

I’m looking forward to the “twist” you describe, in which someone else knits my pattern and I’m not sure whether I did it. Someday in the future, I suppose?!

Comment by Joanne 03.18.09 @ 7:41 am

I’m beginning to feel like the bull in the china shop. Knitting and flowers are not my area of expertise. (I get the feeling that I’m repeating myself). However, Alison, the flowers are gorgeous. Methinks I’ll appreciate them more when you can embiggenate them. (Is that a word?) Howsomenever, if you want me to continue with the humor, I shall. Oh, a note to Karin: I need my own blog like I need another hole in my head. I do appreciate that you look for my postings.

Funny time: The Sunday school teacher was carefully explaining the story of Elijah the Prophet and the false prophets of Baal. She explained how Elijah built the altar, put wood upon it, cut the steer in pieces, and laid it upon the altar.  And then, Elijah commanded the people of God to fill four barrels of water and pour it over the altar. He had them do this four times “Now, said the teacher, “can anyone in the class tell me why the Lord would have Elijah pour water over the steer on the altar?”  
  A little girl in the back of the room started waving her hand, “I know! I know!” she said, “To make the gravy!

Comment by Don Meyer 03.18.09 @ 9:40 am

That’s like when I am at work. A tech will ask me if I have seen so and so’s prescription. I can’t answer them till they say what the medication was and/or the doctor…..

Comment by Carol 03.18.09 @ 12:17 pm

LOL I have the same quirk, I really grok the yarn when I’m knitting it and I often can’t remember just from a description of the pattern.
I love the photo of the jasmine. I used to have a pot of it growing in the house, and it smelled so lovely!

Comment by Diana Troldahl 03.18.09 @ 1:02 pm

Very funny! I don’t knit enough to have that experience, but I’m the same way with my students. Someone might ask me whether I’ve taught so-and-so, and I won’t remember the name, but give me one look at their face, and bam! I remember instantly 🙂

Comment by Jocelyn 03.18.09 @ 1:59 pm

Your shawls are just that lovely that they inspire others:)(((((Hugs))))) Darcy

Comment by Darcy 03.18.09 @ 10:59 pm

oh that red — I think I am going into a red phase – hmmm it only took 55 years to look at any other color than blue 😉

love the story of the shawl

Comment by rho 03.19.09 @ 7:01 am

ISP failure here. We went from a day of slow net to no net. I’ll be back when I can.

Comment by AlisonH 03.19.09 @ 10:15 am

Oh I love that red!
Love the shawl story 🙂

Comment by Alicia 03.20.09 @ 11:56 am

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