Now that you have that earworm singing away…
I had an amaryllis outside with a bud that was just starting to open when the stalk got blown over. I expected it to recover and come back upright, but no; its reaction was, fine with it; bloom where you are face-planted.
But since the flowers were hiding on the far side of the picnic table where nobody could see it from inside the house, I cut it and brought it in where it could brighten up the room and not just keep to itself.
Meantime, today, Nancy, instigator extraordinaire who talked me into taking handspinning and dyeing classes years ago, stopped by today with flowers and chocolate. She’s also the one who knit the circle shawl for me to give away to whomever that turned out perfect for one of my doctors, who loved it.
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You’ve heard of people with a green thumb? Mine is purple with orange polka dots. I doubt I could take care of an artificial plant! But, Alison, you have a knack. More power to you!
Fun time:
~ The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
~ The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
~ The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble.
~ Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today, it’s called golf.
Comment by Don Meyer 03.13.09 @ 7:25 pmI think it’s terrific that the plant decided to bloom anyway. It’s an extra “bright spot” in your life..hurray!
Comment by Joansie 03.14.09 @ 4:44 amOh Don, I’m sure you could look after an artificial plant–unless you kept it on the stove. Funny, I was looking after a neighbor’s dog for an afternoon earlier in the month and marveled that pansies were already in bloom in the green house and hanging baskets, only to discover on close inspection that they were artificial. Hey, they added color when color was needed!
Comment by LynnM 03.14.09 @ 4:54 amAt least it’s a good earworm. Thered on that amaryllis is lovely.
Comment by Carol 03.14.09 @ 1:10 pmNancy must be a gem. A shawl for you to gift, and now, flowers AND chocolate?! I’m glad you have friends like that on hand.
Comment by Channon 03.14.09 @ 2:02 pmMy lilies did that last summer! We had a windstorm, and two of them that were just starting to bloom fell over. I was afraid I’d never see the gorgeous blooms, until I went out one day, and they were blooming from the ground!
“Bloom where you are faceplanted” — there’s a lesson for all of us there somewhere!
Comment by Pegi 03.15.09 @ 4:58 amLeave a comment
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