Filed under: Crohn's flare
Mom brought more of the same yarn and Richard used the circ needle sizer, remembering what size I needed with it. Saved by the knitter’s family!
The surgeon came by this morning and made me a deal: she’d turn off the stomach vacuum for four hours. The obstruction having been cleared yesterday by the surgical resident who’d been there during my surgery, I was doing so much better; so, if after that four hours the stuff coming out of my stomach was clear now, I’d get the NG tube out. I had to promise to tell if there were any more nausea.
There has been, for the first time in months, none. None!
Today was a long-awaited day. And you’re right, that tube was just one more medical experience to be able to relate to someone else in the future by.
Then they had me brought lunch and dinner, real meals. I was starving. For the first time in two months, I was just starving. Granted, I got halfway through that chicken sandwich at lunch and was suddenly and absolutely done, but the surgical team showed up just then and I can’t tell you how pleased they were to see that tray like that. Things are working again.
I may go home tomorrow. They may decide this time to make it one more day just in case. Either way, I’ve got yarn, I’m feeling better, and life can soon become very normal again. Very soon. To life!
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YAY YAY YAY! Tons of gentle hugs coming your way!
I’m so glad to hear such a great update. Happy Knitting!
Growing up, we enjoyed the Dr. Suess songs on a vinyl record. Yes, it’s quite a collection. Besides the hungry song, there is the Sad song. To the best of my memory, it starts out
“I’m so sad I could cry a pint.
A pint of tears, I might, I might.
O-oooo, o-oooo,o-ooooo,o-oooo”
I forget the middle, but it ends with
“I’m so sad that I think I ought
To see if I can cry a quart.”
Finally, a very morose voice informs us that
“Four quarts make a gallon.”
So on days when your recovery is not going as quickly or as smoothly as you would like, you could always challenge yourself to cry a pint. The picture of trying would probably be enough to make you snicker a bit.
Comment by LauraN 02.10.09 @ 11:37 amLeave a comment
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