Filed under: Knit
To those who cautioned over spending too much energy searching for the cashmere: you were exactly right. I tried and gave out fast. But what leaped out at me was the exact shade of green baby alpaca that I’d known was in there somewhere that would look perfect on the Thai nurse I had two weeks ago, the very skilled and gentle woman who had a dream of writing a book about her experiences as an oncology nurse.
As I looked at that green in delight, green being her favorite color–Kristine, this is the same vivid shade you ordered from Aurora, and this was even already rolled up into a ball, ready to go–I knew the doctor’s shawl could wait but that if I didn’t get to making something for that nurse quickly, it wouldn’t happen. The chance could too easily fade into oblivion.
I barely had the oomph to walk the ball into the next room, so it’s going to take long enough to do. But for a whole lot of reasons, I’d really like to give her a lasting reminder of goodwill and encouragement along her way. I’d told her that if it took twenty years before she got her book written, that was okay; I was looking forward to reading what she had to say.
I don’t know if she’ll get a shawl like I aspire to do or if it’ll be a (more realistically speaking for now) a scarf. But something. Anything.
We’ll see how I do.
31 Comments so far
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Whatever you make will turn out well. Light green sounds a bit easier to work with than the black, too. Hope you have fun making it! <3
Comment by Amy 02.11.09 @ 3:08 pmI think she’ll understand the love and support that goes into whatever you make her. And considering she saw you in the hospital when you felt really wretched, I think she’ll appreciate even more the effort you spend on her. Glad you’re home!!! 🙂
Comment by Serena 02.11.09 @ 3:17 pmUnexpected gifts are the best, and they have no deadlines :-}
I’m still working on Ms. Bigfoot, 2 rows at a time (my hands dictate how long I can spend) but it’s approaching 16 inches long/deep, and only 3 inches from goal! Then I will add some beads to the last few rows, and bind it off. And have Oscar help me block it :-}
Comment by Diana Troldahl 02.11.09 @ 3:33 pmAli-daught–
Don’t waste energy looking for black cashmere. Order some more, or let someone send you some. If you find your original stash later, you’ll find a use for it.
This is the day Sam comes home and takes over your care, and tomorrow is the day you send your mother home. I know you’ll miss Mom after 5 1/2 weeks, but I’ll be glad to reclaim her, since she has exceeded the 30-day loan period.I’m glad she could come; her loan is renewable.
I have a FABULOUS idea for your readers–in fact for all knitters–and as soon as I have worked it out I’ll post it as one of these comments.
Love you. Dad
Just a thought, but green might be less tiring to work on right now. Black takes so much energy just to SEE what one is doing!
Comment by Ruth 02.11.09 @ 4:03 pmWhether it be a shawl or scarf, she will love it because it is from you.
Comment by sonya 02.11.09 @ 4:03 pmCan’t wait to see what you knit for this nurse. I work with oncology nurses and they are very dedicated. She will be delighted.
Comment by Joansie 02.11.09 @ 4:30 pmLittle steps in recovery seem discouraging, but when a week, two weeks, a month of little steps have accumulated, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come. I am thrilled you are home and looking for yarn.
May you rest well, and awake refreshed.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 02.11.09 @ 4:52 pmGreen is fine. The black might be a bit hard for you to knit right now anyway and it can be used when it reappears. I am happy to see that you are ready to knit.
It must have felt wonderful to run your hands through your stash of wonderful yarns. I know you always have ‘help’ when pulling out the yarns for that perfect item to give to someone. Happy knitting and get lots of rest. Anxiously waiting to hear what your Dad has in mind for us knitters. Thanks, Mom, for overstaying your loan to help Alison — we all appreciate your help. You get a good night’s sleep when you get home, too! Love, Nancy W.
Comment by Nancy 02.11.09 @ 5:07 pmListen to your dad – just get some more black. And knit it over a white pillowcase. Ask me how I know 🙂 The green will be fine. Renew your interlibrary loan on your mother, as needed. Know you are loved. Afton, who is looking forward to tomorrow – more knitting time as I have a four day weekend. Need me to knit anything for you to give away?
Comment by afton 02.11.09 @ 5:34 pmCongratulations on going home! Ruby slippers and all. I am so glad you are better. Just don’t over do too soon. God is good.
Comment by Pam Alexander 02.11.09 @ 5:51 pmShe’ll love it whenever she gets it, and all the more if you get better at the same time! 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 02.11.09 @ 6:08 pmShe is going to love it whatever it turns out to be because it will be made with love …
I LIKE the way your dad thinks — don’t look for the yarn buy more 😉 then you still have the other for future use.. smart smart man 😀
As always prayers going out, soft hugs and lots of love heading your way
Comment by rho 02.11.09 @ 6:10 pmYour yarn sounds like a good boss. You think you’d like black for your first project after surgery? How does green sound instead? It’s what’s on offer.
Comment by RobinM 02.11.09 @ 7:04 pmGlad? Super glad you are home, and back to knitting. I’m no knitter, as you know, but I have no doubt, given your dedication, that whatever you make for the oncology nurse will bejust fine. And for today’s humor —
Borrow money from pessimists — They don’t expect it back.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink?
Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
My mechanic told me, ‘I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
The hardness of the butter is proportional to the
softness of the bread.
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
The sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up.
Everyone has a photographic memory; some just don’t have film.
Comment by Don Meyer 02.11.09 @ 8:32 pmRemember to rest and not push too hard. I know you will want to do lots of things and your body will tell you quite firmly “No.”. Pay attention to that and you will heal up better. I’m sure the doctor would not want youto send yourself into a relapse looking for yarn or something 🙂
I am so glad you are home. And nausea free!! ::happy dance::
Comment by Carol 02.11.09 @ 8:46 pmShe will love anything you do.
Even a lace bookmark enclosed with a card in which you will write your sentiments.
I am with your dad. Order some cashmere, already!
Bon Voyage to your mom on her way home.
Green baby alpacas (heehee). I’d love to see a flock of emerald crias prancing among the Truffula Trees!
Comment by LynnM 02.12.09 @ 1:34 amI am with your Dad! Order some more cashmere. Use your energy to knit and make the green for the Thai nurse. Happy knitting.
Comment by Vicki 02.12.09 @ 3:55 amHmm…some of us wear scarves more often than shawls. Your shawls are exquisite, but a scarf may be the thing to make for the oncology nurse. In any case, your encouragement to her was a gift in itself. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 02.12.09 @ 5:25 amSounds like it is time for a virtual trip to the Yarn store to get more cashmere. I’m with the others is saying just order some more black cashmere and dont worry about finding the stuff you already have. it will turn up sooner or later and demand to become something for someone else. Please dont wear yourself out just relax and let Richard (the gem that he is) take care of you until you are healed up!
I am so glad to see you are home and feeling so much better!
YAY!!! You’re thinking about AND WORKING ON knitting!!! What a great sign that is! You surely are healing, my dear, although it feels slower than molasses in a snowstorm… just think of where you were a few weeks ago, and realize how far you’ve come. And order the bloody cashmere already! {{warm hugs}}
Still praying!
Comment by Pegi 02.12.09 @ 6:02 amHi Alison,
It’s so good to hear you talking about knitting and all you want to knit for again…it means you’re on the mend!!! 🙂 (and that’s very good to hear!)
A thought about the shawl vs scarf for your nurse friend…even though a shawl would be a truly wonderful gift, I’m wondering if she might have the opportunity to wear a scarf more often – and thus, be reminded even more of your time together and the encouragement you gave her…just a thought. I’m sure she will treasure either but, a scarf would likely work up much more quickly and be able to be gifted sooner too…
I’m looking forward to hearing what your dad has come up with and I agree with him about just ordering more yarn – after all you’ve been through lately, it could be a real treat too. 🙂 I know I get awfully excited about yarn being on its way to my front door. 🙂
Still thinking of you and praying for you and very best wishes,
I’m rather certain you could knit her a swatch and she’d treasure it and find inspiration within for years to come. You are such a kind soul!
Comment by Channon 02.12.09 @ 7:48 amAh, Alison! I am sure the green scarf or shawl will be absolutely wonderful and right. And may elusive skeins of cashmere be the very worst problem you ever have. Take good care of yourself! {{{HUGS}}}
Comment by AmyS 02.12.09 @ 8:05 amLeave a comment
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