Filed under: Crohn's flare
Today they fed me noodle soup and white bread; I thought, if it has to be so unbalanced a meal, what, no chocolate?
Tomorrow maybe, maybe they’ll send me home. I’m both ready and totally not. They apparently put too much insulin in my TPN last night and have had troubles all day today with my blood sugar tanking, so we shall see. I’m now off the TPN.
So I didn’t get any knitting done today. I slept a lot this afternoon, and I’m grateful for the astute nurse who, when I woke up, didn’t like the looks of me and tested that blood sugar. It’s up to normal now though.
41 Comments so far
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I’m glad to know they’re taking good care of you and watching you carefully. I’m also glad to know you want chocolate – that’s definitely a good sign!
Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 02.04.09 @ 8:27 pmSounds like you’re in a great hospital, Alison. So happy to hear that you might be going home soon. Just don’t try to do too much once you get home, though! Keep on resting and gaining strength!
Love ya,
Sounds like your getting the best of care. Stay strong,you’ve got lots of people praying for you
Comment by Eileen 02.04.09 @ 8:40 pmTwo things to remember when you get home. Don’t get dressed: once you do, everyone, including yourself, will think you are well again. You aren’t. The second is the easiest way to get up from a bed by yourself: lie on your side with your legs curled up and gradually push yourself into a sitting position as your legs relax over the edge. Reverse to get in again. You can do it by pulling on a helper’s hand, but don’t let them pull. Wishing you cocoa.
Comment by Sally Trefftzs 02.04.09 @ 8:45 pmIf it’s chocolate you want, it is chocolate you shall get…stay tuned 🙂
P.S. Glad you (may be) going home soon!
Comment by Cathy (catsandyarn on ravelry) 02.04.09 @ 8:56 pmSo glad to hear you are ready to go home and wanting chocolate both good signs:)Hugs Darcy
Comment by Darcy 02.04.09 @ 9:04 pmNoodle soup! That sounds good.
The chocolate will be there when you’re ready.
(I am sorry to say I can’t find the varieties you like around here.)
I hope you are getting better and better all the time, and that the blood sugar levels off.
Much love and prayers. And careful hugs.
Comment by Karin 02.04.09 @ 9:06 pmCouldn’t they have slapped a bit of Nutella on the bread? Really!
Glad you’re back to normal and hope you’ll get sent home when you’re all ready.
Comment by Lene 02.04.09 @ 9:10 pmI second Sally’s instructions on getting out of bed, and Lene’s comment about the Nutella.
The only thing I have to add is I LOVE YOU and take care.
Comment by Kristine 02.04.09 @ 9:23 pmYou certainly should have been given chocolate! Take care when you do go home–you are in recovery, still.
The old song has it right: “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home!” Â And your friends have it right — take it easy. And for a bit of humor —
~ I can rise and shine, but not at the same time.
And if you may be going home, I really cannot resist this one. Alison, this absolutely is NOT you:
This is the story of the mean and nasty businessman who treated his employees terribly. Turns out he had to go to the hospital for some ailment, and while there, he treated the hospital personnel as he treated his own employees — badly. Everyone was afraid of him — except the head nurse on the morning shift. She came to his room one morning and told him she had to take his temperature. “Oh, no, you don’t” he yelled. And they argued back and forth for several minutes. Finally, he opened his mouth. “No”, she told him, “This has to be done anally” “No, no” he protested, and the argument was on again. Finally, he flopped over on his stomach, and she made the insertion. Just before she left, she told him, “Now don’t move until I get back!” When she went out, she left the door open, and as the minutes passed, he could hear people giggling as they passed his room. Finally, about a half hour later, his own doctor entered the room. “What’s going on here?” the doctor asked. “What’s the matter, Doc? Never seen anyone have his temperature taken?” Doctor: “Well,yes — but with a daisy?”
So glad you were able to Knit. I know it will make your recovery easier. It’s great medicine. Hope you’re up and around soon
Comment by Debbie 02.04.09 @ 10:25 pmwho would have ever thunk (yep it is a word you know) that your wanting chocolate would make a resounding cheer go up around the world.
Remember full healing will take time – with ups and downs – more ups than downs – when the downs are here read some of your pre operation posts and vent to us here – rest – do what the doctor says and enjoy chocolate when they tell you it is ok – in fact let us know and I will make a cup at the same time so it will be like having it together in celebration 😉
Still sending out Prayers for quick and uneventual recovery – along with soft hugs and lots of love.
Comment by rho 02.04.09 @ 10:55 pmI’m glad they caught their oops and got it fixed. Yay for an attentive nurse!
I hope the noodle soup went down well. Was it chicken? That’s good medicine you know. Tomorrow I hope it comes with some chocolate for dessert.
If you aren’t ready to go home you should tell them! No sense in going home too soon if you’re scared. Better to be sure of yourself IMHO. But you never know. Tomorrow you may feel more secure with the idea. I hope so anyway.
May tomorrow be a better day for you!
Love & Hugs & Prayers
Comment by Gretchen 02.04.09 @ 11:03 pmThere’s a certain teenager in this house who would live on pot noodles and white bread if I’d let her! Love Sally T’s advice not to get dressed. Maybe you could treat yourself to some new silk pyjamas. Just be careful with the chocolate.
Comment by LynnM 02.05.09 @ 12:20 amYou didn’t knit today? I’ll have to increase the knee-pad time, again!
Comment by Ruth 02.05.09 @ 12:25 amI am glad you had such a good nurse who paid attention and knew what to do! Hmm, white bread, eh? One of my favorite snacks as a kid what white bread and mayo sandwiches…. I can imagine you want to be home, but I hope they don’t send you there too soon….
Comment by AmyS 02.05.09 @ 12:58 amAlison, continuing to pray for your recovery. I hope you go home at the right time, not sooner or later. Glad that you have such ministering angels!
Comment by Renee 02.05.09 @ 1:27 amSo very glad you will be going home soon. Also glad the nurse didn’t like the look of you and tested your blood sugar.
Comment by Vicki 02.05.09 @ 2:11 amI’m a firm believer in the magical healing powers of soup, so knowing that you are up to eating it is wonderful! Thank goodness for the nurses, doctors, surgeons and specialists who are taking care of you.
Comment by Genny 02.05.09 @ 2:35 amHershey’s. IV drip. Until you can have the good stuff. Much love [and not much knitting] from TX.
Comment by Lynn 02.05.09 @ 5:25 amHere’s hoping you get to go home soon. And may you be well enough for chocolate very soon.
Comment by Alison 02.05.09 @ 6:00 amThanks for keeping us updated, Alison. Is mom going to be with you awhile longer after you go home? Bless that lady! Glad the nurse was keeping close tabs on you.
Comment by Joansie 02.05.09 @ 6:13 amNurses rock. They are truly the angels of our healthcare system. And God bless the angel who caught your sugar issue! The fact you’re craving chocolate just makes you normal, in my view… after all, isn’t it one of the food groups??? Think of it this way, though — noodle soup beats Jello any day.
Praying, as ever!
Comment by Pegi 02.05.09 @ 6:13 amIsn’t it amazing what little steps of progress we can get excited about? Weeks ago, noodle soup might have been disdained; now, it’s a gourmet treat!
I know you (unfortunately) have experience at being a good patient, so I don’t worry about you behaving. The coming weeks are an excellent opportunity to knit, nap, read, nap, and nap. That is your assignment, dear friend. Think you can handle it? VBG!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 02.05.09 @ 6:32 amYou’re being watched over by more than the staff, obviously. Now, that is cool. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 02.05.09 @ 6:47 amThose silly doctors! Don’t they know you should be eating from the important four food groups!? Chocolate Hershey bar, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownies, and chocolate ice cream! Hmmmm…that reminds me. It’s time for my chocolate kiss vitamins!
Comment by JodyM 02.05.09 @ 6:59 amThose silly doctors! Don’t they know you should be eating from the important four food groups!? Chocolate Hershey bar, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate brownies, and chocolate ice cream! But only after your blood sugar levels normalize! Hmmmm…that reminds me. It’s time for my chocolate kiss vitamins!
Comment by JodyM 02.05.09 @ 7:00 amTell them that next time you want some color on your plate and that when it comes to food, white is not a color. I will be overjoyed when you are allowed to go home.
Sending much love!
Alison, I’m so glad to hear that you can THINK about eating soup and consider going home. Please don’t actually do anything that wouldn’t be good for you, but at least you feel well enough to think about whether it would be good or not. Continue to heal. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Comment by LauraN 02.05.09 @ 7:18 amAlison, I’m so glad to hear that you can THINK about eating soup and consider going home. Please don’t actually do anything that wouldn’t be good for you, but at least you feel well enough to think about whether it would be good or not. Continue to heal. I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Comment by LauraN 02.05.09 @ 7:18 amIsn’t it funny how nutrition and re-entry into eating foods are so far apart? Don’t let them send you home too soon!
Comment by Channon 02.05.09 @ 7:30 amHey! Food! That’s great news — maybe today will be the day they add chocolate to that diet 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 02.05.09 @ 8:18 amHurray!
Glad that nurse was on the ball. Take good care of yourself Alison! Richard, you too!
Comment by Nancy 02.05.09 @ 10:03 amI’ve just come upon your blog by way of the beautiful knitting patterns you’ve posted. I’m wishing you a very speedy and thorough recovery; even while you’re on the mend in the hospital, you’ve given me lovely patterns to try and you’ve shared such wonderful things about yourself. Thank you, and my very best wishes.
Comment by Lisa U. 02.05.09 @ 10:42 amSo glad to hear that you ate food!! 🙂 Shame on those docs at Stanford – I’ll have to remind them of the healing powers of chocolate. (Sorry I’ve not commented so much of late – I’ve had a micro-flare of my own this week but reading your updates is great medicine.)
Much love to you,
Awesome that you had some healing chicken soup! Bummer that they didn’t give you some chocolate milk! Or, Hot Chocolate! Please don’t go home until you’re ready and comfortable. And, rest, knit, nap, knit, drink some hot choolate, nap, knit, and have a good night’s sleep. Soft and long hugs, Nancy W.
Comment by Nancy 02.05.09 @ 11:21 am“oh won’t you come home Bill Bailey, won’t you come home?”
Soon Alison, soon. Until then, I’ll eat chocolate for you 🙂
Mmmm, mmmm, good! Noodle soup! Nature’s cure to everything! Enjoy every slurp and noodle!
Comment by Robin 02.05.09 @ 4:16 pmFood is food, sweetie, noodles are surely tastier to you than jello. One day at a time.
Love you.
Comment by LynnH 02.05.09 @ 7:24 pmLeave a comment
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