Up to 112 pounds! Yay!
Wednesday January 21st 2009, 1:18 pm
Filed under: Crohn's flare

And second day no fever (at least so far)! Double yay!

I got gently chewed out for drinking a lot of water Monday instead of anything else: I needed a little more salt.  And sugar. Calories.  And to get some protein in there for the recovery. So today I downed a chalky Trader Joe’s gross Protein With Pizzazz bottle and felt very proud of myself. It’s been eight days since the Humira, six till the next dose, and I keep hoping for things to settle down, but my system’s angry at being fed.  Well, pbbbbt to it–I’ll sit on the can and drink my smoothies if it has to be that way (and it has at times).  But I am gradually making some progress, even if I’m impatient with it.

43 Comments so far
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Alison, I would absolutely love to send you a few pounds. I’ve got extra. You’d be welcome to them. And I wish you could be eating whatever real food your mind craves, and have your insides cooperate. Keep trying and hang on.

Comment by Laura 01.21.09 @ 1:22 pm

Double yay from me too! Congratulations – every little step will gradually add up to a big one. if Humira is anything like Enbrel, it will take a few weeks to a month to really feel a difference, even though it was there earlier. Hang in there – we’re rooting for you!

Comment by Niki 01.21.09 @ 1:24 pm

Congratulations! Great news! Any progress is wonderful. Thanks for keeping us updated. Lots of blessings again, we all wish we could do more. It is just wonderful to know you are getting there.

Comment by Vicki 01.21.09 @ 1:33 pm

Prayers for you, and I’m glad you’re feeling more human.

PS: From bitter experience, I found that MaxMuscle’s protein shakes are far better than anything from Trader Joe’s.

Comment by Patty Day 01.21.09 @ 2:12 pm

LOVE these good progress reports!
Keep following instructions and
we’ll keep the good vibes headed
your way!!

Comment by Sue H 01.21.09 @ 2:18 pm

I am so glad you are feeling a bit better!!

Comment by Danielle from SW MO 01.21.09 @ 2:22 pm

Double yay again! So glad to hear that the fever has stayed away, and that you’re managing to get some food down. Keep getting better!

Comment by Lisa H. 01.21.09 @ 2:25 pm

Yeah for the 112 lbs. You can definitely have some of those extra ones I’m carrying around — probably meant for you anyway. Drink some of your hot chocolate with some protein powder in it to build your body back up. You are going to get well! Love, Nancy

Comment by Nancy 01.21.09 @ 2:51 pm

Oh, I’m so glad you’re feeling a tad better. You continue to be in my prayers daily.

Comment by Cindi 01.21.09 @ 3:33 pm

OK — things will be ok again — Alison has found her sense of humor!!! Isn’t it weird how we can just HEAR your improvement in your written voice?

Hugs as always and I’m still praying for you!

Comment by Patricia 01.21.09 @ 3:40 pm

What wonderful good news! I’m a bit jealous over the weight thingy, though. 😉 jk

Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 01.21.09 @ 3:42 pm

Um..thanks for the picture of you sitting in the reading room with your shake in hand! I’ll join several of the others in offering you un-needed pounds. I’ll drive ’em over to you, no need for postage!

Comment by Ruth 01.21.09 @ 3:47 pm

can you make milkshakes at home and add some protein powder (vitamin shop has it and GNC) to it so it will taste better

and a big YIPPEE on the progress of the weight at least – next we have to keep you in the living room instead of the reading room… k? 😉

Comment by rho1640 01.21.09 @ 3:54 pm

There were a couple of days, after Lucy was born, when I thought — you know, I’m bleeding ridiculously, it hurts to get up and down, how about I just stay here? So yeah, feeling your pain (though not literally).

Glad you’re feeling well enough to joke, though; you’ll be back to chocolate pie in no time.

And I seem to recall you saying that the insu company was only going to do that bs nonsense about the humira with the first dose, because it was special somehow? If we need to picket Caremark, let us know now so we can get organized.

Comment by Kristine 01.21.09 @ 4:05 pm

Alison, I think this has been some of the best news so far except for the Humira finally arriving at your home. Calories, calories, calories, I once knew of a young child who had to drink “tiger’s milk” from the health food store to get mega calories.

Keep up the good work…you’ll be knitting again in no time.


Comment by Joansie 01.21.09 @ 4:19 pm

I love reading about your progress. Mr. Scruff barfed a lot Saturday. A Persian rug served as a barf bucket. He’s fine now. The rug needs a good cleaning.

I’ll be watching your progress, but I may not get a chance to comment in the near future. I’m going to Lake Tahoe tomorrow for a week with a group of adrenaline junkies. The trip plan seems a bit unworkable to me, but there are peeps I so long to meet that I’m going anyway.

Congrats on the 112! Good show.

Comment by RobinM 01.21.09 @ 4:20 pm

That’s quite a picture – a bathroom wastebasket overflowing with smoothie empties. Love it! That trumps the poem about “I shall wear purple”!

Comment by Barbara-Kay 01.21.09 @ 4:23 pm

Just checking in on your progress! If you find yourself spending a lot of time on the can, try to multitask: read, knit, drink, listen to a radio. Wait! That’s what most men do, right?


Comment by Robin 01.21.09 @ 4:28 pm

I would be happy to send a few pounds your way. It is wonderful to come here and feel the love. Use imagery, the nasty shakes are really chocolate/mocha shakes with whip cream sprinkles and a cherry on top !

Comment by sonya 01.21.09 @ 4:58 pm

Happy Dance, Happy Dance.

You go girl.

Comment by Tiny Tyrant 01.21.09 @ 5:13 pm

Yay for smoothies!

Comment by Carol 01.21.09 @ 5:31 pm

Yes Alison! I am SO glad to hear you are doing a bit better. I would send you any calories that I could but I’m afraid that Lara (the baaaaaaaaaaad cat) has been sitting in the pasta again. Which leaves out carbs because somehow I just don’t think it’s kosher to eat cat rump hairs… On that thought – keep getting better!

Comment by afton 01.21.09 @ 5:35 pm

Go, Alison, Go! Keep working on this–it will get better! I second/fourth/eighth? the advice about making homemade smoothies with protein powder to boost it. Homemade tastes ever so much better. Frozen fruit from the grocery store, yogurt/milk/cream/soymilk (whatever works) a little water in there, the “boosters” and a brief whirr in the blender make a huge difference. Feel better, friend.

Comment by Joanne 01.21.09 @ 5:44 pm

Such good news! I’m so happy that the past couple of days have brought small improvement for you. It’s difficult to eat when you don’t feel good, but hopefully you’ll find something that makes your tastebuds sing and it will be just the thing your body needs to help it heal.

Keep feeling a little better every day!

Comment by Shelly H 01.21.09 @ 5:57 pm

Plug your nose and down it goes;)I said this just to make you giggle.(((((Alison))))))Darcy

Comment by Darcy 01.21.09 @ 5:57 pm

Progress is good! I love to hear about it 🙂 Sugar and carbs, sugar and carbs!

Comment by Jocelyn 01.21.09 @ 6:39 pm

Alison, just getting caught up on your health crisis. You will be in my thoughts as I work on a shawl tonight. Every yarnover will be a protective circle around you. Best wishes.

Comment by Sharon 01.21.09 @ 6:48 pm

Super Yay! Prayers continuing! Good luck with the proteins/calories ‘sticking’ to your system.

Comment by AlisonF 01.21.09 @ 6:52 pm

BRAT diet.
Bananas have potassium and sugar. Put salted peanutbutter on it, gives you protein.
Rice has carbs, add steamed veggies and a touch of salt and butter.
Applesauce, made fresh by mom? So good.
Toast. And chicken soup.

Oh I am glad you are writing. Been thinking about you all day.

Comment by karin 01.21.09 @ 7:36 pm

Excellent progress! Just remember that this beats being too weak to type – it’s all about perspective, babe. 😉

All that time spent on the can has to be good for something. I do my best thinking on the can – maybe you can plot out your next book in there?

Comment by Lene 01.21.09 @ 7:48 pm

How wonderful! Glad that there’s some progress:)

Comment by Eileen 01.21.09 @ 8:41 pm

Yeah Baby that’s what I want to hear!!
Sassy and Fed!! Yahooo-dee-doo!
Hugs All Around ;)<

Comment by Sheila E 01.21.09 @ 8:51 pm

Boy do I have pounds to give you! Just tell me how! Bananas & peanut butter, YUM! Along with some soft scrambled eggs, maybe some Velveeta on top. (Hush! Velveeta is easy to digest!) Perfect breakfast!

I do lots of reading in the bathroom. Almost finished with my brother’s first book, The Lincoln Secret. I always have a stack of books on top of the kitty box hood.

Keep getting better girl!

Love & hugs,

Comment by Gretchen 01.22.09 @ 12:28 am


Our family is praying for you specifically, by name.

Too bad you missed the inauguration. It was rivetting stuff. I couldn’t tear myself away. Channing was there for it, and got to see our new president at one of the balls. Do be sure to watch the footage when you’re up for it.


Comment by Russell Hancock 01.22.09 @ 12:57 am

Your Yays always cheer me up. Hope there are more and more in six days time. Or is that five now?

Comment by LynnM 01.22.09 @ 5:58 am

I’ve been sending prayers for you every day. Your amazing spirit is such an inspiration.

You need chicken soup!

Comment by ruth 01.22.09 @ 7:12 am

Inch by inch. Behave yourself, although it sure it great to “have you back.”

Comment by Channon 01.22.09 @ 7:33 am

You are sounding SO much better! It’s wonderful to “hear” Alison in your posts again. Keep it up! Lots of love to you!

Comment by Romi 01.22.09 @ 9:10 am

You sure do sound a lot feistier! That’s good. I have no doubt you’ll do what needs to be done. Without even seeing you it seems to me you’ve made a lot of progress. Keep it up! We love you.

Comment by AmyS 01.22.09 @ 11:35 am

YAY! We’ll take progress 🙂 Have you tried ensure? I gave (i.e. pushed) it to a friend after she had her baby. ::hugs::

Comment by Alicia 01.22.09 @ 11:47 am

Delurking to say that prayers are still coming your way from a corner of Nova Scotia. I discovered your blog last year, via the Yarn Harlot, and have been enjoying it ever since. Your warmth, generosity and humour shine in every entry. I’m glad to hear that you’re making progress, and I hope it continues. Take care.

Comment by Laurinda 01.22.09 @ 4:24 pm

I just happened upon your blog today from looking at the gorgeous patterns for your afghans, and I was so taken by your writing about them that I wanted to read more. I am so sorry that you are ill and I will keep you in my prayers. Your spirit and strength are inspirations to all of us.
I am relatively new to knitting (learned in October) but have been a lifetime crocheter, so I understand yarn a bit. I love to do both, but my ambitious eagerness to make something as beautiful as your embossed diamonds sometimes has me knitting beyond my skill level at the time. I don’t get frustrated because that’s how I learn – from constant ripping out of my mistakes and reading lots about how to that! So as I knit my embossed diamond afghan, I will say prayers for you, you will be on my mind and in my heart, and it will be my Alison afghan.

Comment by Julie 01.22.09 @ 4:26 pm

Allison, please eat.It doesn’t matter if you try french toast or pancakes for dinner or Poptarts for lunch! Eat what ever you can keep down.Try some of the Natural potatoe chips. I’m fond of the salt and vinegar chips!I’d be happy to donate/transfuse my appetite.Please continue to get stronger.

Comment by jackie 01.22.09 @ 6:07 pm

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