Filed under: Crohn's flare
I wonder if anybody but me noticed: yesterday’s post kept changing. The farther away from the worst of the day that it got, the more positive the post became as my head cleared up post-anesthesia.
My Crohn’s blew right past my chemo and progressed. End of chemo. More tests must be done.
I said to Richard this morning, “I’m not as bad as I was five years ago!”
“You’re not far from it.”
I wanted to argue with him, but he was right.
I need to cast on for someone. Create love where there is pain. To selfishly help heal me as much as anything.
(Edited to add: looking at this is a good reminder to myself that I really am a whole lot better than I was then.)
27 Comments so far
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A guy who makes you laugh and causes you to face the truth, too. Not bad. I imagine Richard would have counseled you not to cast on the project I cast on today.
It all started when I gave a guy a hat for Christmas. Too big. There were quite a few (albeit medium-sized) guys there. Too big for any of them. So I asked Gregory, a high school senior, whether he’d be a model. Try on the hats I planned to give my nephews. He readily agreed, then a gleam coming into his eye, asked whether I’d knit him a pink beanie. It would be so awesome, don’t you know.
I underestimated how vital imagination is to me in knitting. Imagining Gregory in a pink beanie causes me to shake my head – not a helpful knitting practice, I find.
Comment by RobinM 01.03.09 @ 7:16 pmI certainly can’t knit lace the way you do, but I am sending you strength and love.
Comment by sonya 01.03.09 @ 7:45 pmYou’re in my thoughts and prayers…and on my heart.
Thinking of you and sending best wishes,
Sending you lots of prayers from IL.
Comment by Leslie 01.03.09 @ 8:49 pmHugs and prayers for good healing!
Sending you healthy vibes.
Comment by Mari 01.04.09 @ 12:20 amI know I’ve said it before, but I admire your attitude hugely. Glad to hear you’re feeling somewhat better. x
Comment by Anna 01.04.09 @ 3:17 amWell, were you talking physically or emotionally? Physically, maybe on the same treadmill, but emotionally? Of course you’re better! You have all of us now! 🙂
Comment by Afton 01.04.09 @ 3:56 amMy heart is sad reading this… please get well… I will be praying for you.
Comment by Amanda 01.04.09 @ 6:36 amYour positive attitude will overcome this health “bump in the road” you are experiencing. Continue prayers for you from Vermont.
Comment by Joansie 01.04.09 @ 6:36 amYour positive attitude will overcome this health “bump in the road” you are experiencing. Continue prayers for you from Vermont.
Comment by Joansie 01.04.09 @ 6:36 amRichard is a gem, but you know that, and I say it regularly. The prayers continue, but I marvel at your ability to put on a sunny face despite it all!
Comment by Channon 01.04.09 @ 6:53 amHang in there. You have brightened my life so much, not the least by your upbeat posts. Prayers continue for you.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 01.04.09 @ 8:46 amWishing you health and peace. Keep knitting, it heals. Believe me, I know.
Comment by tiffibug 01.04.09 @ 8:49 amIf I could I would sit beside you in quiet support. I was going to say “holding your hand”, but that would only interfere with your knitting.
Comment by Marlene 01.04.09 @ 10:33 amBe well. A friend is getting his results back on Wednesday. I warned him about the side effects of barium which he THOUGHT he was getting in the test but thankfully didn’t have to deal with that.
Take good care.
Comment by LynnM 01.04.09 @ 10:46 amCasting on seems like just the right thing to do. Making something new one stitch at a time is a hopeful act. I’ll be thinking of you!
Comment by Jocelyn 01.04.09 @ 11:32 amMy Mom, who is a breast cancer survivor of 30+ years, maintains that, “You should always have a beautiful project to work on.” This advice has seen me through some tough trials, too. I’m sending my prayers out for you to keep your courage and strength up. One can never predict how your attitude and example will affect others. God bless you.
Comment by Elizabeth Risch 01.04.09 @ 1:02 pmLove the title of this post! Keeping you in my prayers. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 01.04.09 @ 2:20 pmAlison:
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your strength and sense of humor are a great inspiration to all of us who have suffered or are suffering pain. God Bless you and your beautiful spirit. Bonnie
Comment by Bonnie 01.04.09 @ 2:38 pmIt is your turn to receive love and blessings. Like everyone else I am sending mine. Get well and cast on some knitting. You will feel more at peace once you are knitting for someone else.
Comment by Vicki 01.04.09 @ 3:10 pmLove to you all the way from Sweden… This is honey to your soul: Thank you for always being such an inspiration and good luck!
Comment by Monica 01.04.09 @ 3:23 pmI hope you are well enough to sit up and look at the amaryllis pictures I took today.
I knew there was a reason why that flower wanted to come home with me a few days ago–it started blooming on just the right day.
“Thinking of you” doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Comment by karin 01.04.09 @ 3:42 pmHugs sweetie. Wish there was something I could do to make it all better for you.
As Karin says “Thinking of you” doesn’t being to cover it, but I am.
Comment by Tiny Tyrant 01.04.09 @ 5:29 pmAlison, to echo everyone else – you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you hugs!
Comment by AmyS 01.05.09 @ 1:10 amLeave a comment
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