Filed under: Crohn's flare
Yesterday was scary: blood pressure was through the roof in startling numbers. Me? The low bp person? Heart rate 133 a few times, but always high. Didn’t LIKE.
Today they let me cut way back on the gatorade the doctor was hoping would counteract the effects of the diarrhea, and back by half on the prednisone. I was going to start taking just one in the morning and skip the evening dose, but I barfed everything two minutes after taking my meds. So. I guess I take the doses in the evenings while we taper it off.
And my bp was high, but not dangerous. My pulse 85. That’s a whole lot better.
Richard went to the bathroom and I heard my barf bowl careen off the side of the shower: it’s a kitchenaid metal mixing bowl. I said to him, So. You went to the bathroom and kicked the bucket?
43 Comments so far
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You never lose your wonderful humor. It’s good to hear a report. I’m thinking of you often.
Comment by Larisa 01.19.09 @ 6:36 pmIt’s nice to know that even in the midst of this difficult time, you still find a way to make our eyes roll. You are too funny!
Hey I have some very happy news to tell you – I’ll send an email and you can read it when you’ve got the energy. 🙂
Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 01.19.09 @ 6:47 pmAlison, it’s always such a relief to see your name under the post title; every time I see Rich’s I panic. Can’t believe you have to go through all this — know that I am thinking of you.
Elizabeth D
Comment by Elizabeth Durand 01.19.09 @ 6:50 pmThat prednisone sure is boss right now…taper very slowly!
Take it easy, Alison. We love you very much.
Comment by karin 01.19.09 @ 6:52 pmI hope you’re soon well enough to be up kicking that bucket too.
Comment by Laura 01.19.09 @ 7:11 pmHi, I hope that things do get better, I don’t know why but bad puns and sexual innuendo somehow get easier the sicker I get, maybe the same for you? I have tried to read back, a couple months and some of 2006. No, I’m not a lurker, a friend of Lene’s and when I saw you were on Gatorade I was like, “What do you have?” in that; “Hey has she got that terminal thing I got?” frission. But you got a really sucky terminal thing, while mine is flashy but doesn’t have to do the long haul. I have enjoyed your writing, all the blog posts, I know that is important to a blogger, I think you SHOULD have taken the camera into the operating room, I take mine with me to the ER, and they get very hinky but then that is when it is good time to play the mild dementia card (I mean, they know you are disabled so it is an easy assumption to foist on them while you hide the camera).
I very, very much hope that Humaria does the trick and this see-saw stops and you get regrowth and yes, that your fighting to live, and the advocacy on your behalf ends in things like knitting and watching spring come in with flowers and enjoying it instead of barfing or passing blood. That is what I hope very much.
Comment by Elizabeth McClung 01.19.09 @ 7:12 pmI love that your weird sense of humor matches my weird sense of humor — 😀
remember my mantra – every day in every way thing are getting better and better — even if they are going to dang slow with some bumps in the road.
God is going to want to know — who the heck this Allison SpinDyeKnit person is because there sure are a lot of people praying and pulling for her… so long as he makes it better it is all good.
Comment by rho1640 01.19.09 @ 7:58 pmGood old salty Gatorade. Sure can bump your BP. I know that these meds are tricky – and scary. They sure are putting you through the ringer! Been there, done that – my family is always the .5% that gets the rare side effects… Murphy’s Law.
Keep the hope and sense of humor alive! We are rooting for you! So glad you keep us up to date. I’m checking your blog several times a day. Have also reread old emails from you that I’ve saved. Hope you are able to rest and heal now that they are tappering off the prednisone…
love ya
Comment by Bev 01.19.09 @ 7:59 pm😎 Better. I am so happy to see you online tonight.
Oh, Alison, it’s good to see you, yourself, and making a joke besides! Little by little . . .
Prayers keep coming from NH.
With love.
Comment by Joyce in NH 01.19.09 @ 8:27 pmSo happy to hear from you. I’ve been praying a lot, as have a lot of other folks here. And I’ve been checking your blog several times a day for an update. Thank you for posting them.
Love to you…
Comment by Amanda 01.19.09 @ 8:32 pmRobb says: “Wow, she’s so high she’s making jokes up MY alley.”
We’re both glad to hear you joking. Sorry, though, that barf bowls are necessary.
Prayers continue, as always.
Comment by Kristine 01.19.09 @ 8:33 pmInteresting what we choose for barf bowls. When I was a kid, my mom had horrible migraines. (Are there any other kinds?) She always used a roasting pan. To this day . . . well, don’t need to go there. You hang in there, kid. I’m prayin’ and knittin’.
Comment by Linda W 01.19.09 @ 8:42 pmThat is the Alison I have missed. Hoping and praying you are even better tomorrow.
Comment by sonya 01.19.09 @ 8:55 pmI wondered about the gatorade. Isn’t it full of sodium? That’s bad for blood pressure. Water or tea or juice is easier on the kidneys, I think. Your poor body doesn’t need even more stress.
Glad you are sitting up and posting!
Love & Hugs,
Hang in there, sweetheart. It’s great you feel well enough to type a little, but play it safe, OK?
Love, love, love you.
Comment by LynnH 01.19.09 @ 9:03 pmAs someone said above, I am always relieved with you are the one that does the posting.
You are precious, Alison. Even with what you are going through, you find a little humor.
Continued prayers for you! Remember, I said tomorrow would be a good day for you…it’s the inauguration!
Comment by Joansie 01.19.09 @ 9:20 pmOy, Alison. I’ve been waiting for today’s update! I’m glad you were able to post. Sending hugs and love and healing vibes your way. Big time!
Comment by Romi 01.19.09 @ 9:32 pmHow is it that you can cheer me up when you are so sick? Hope that the Humira starts kicking into high gear for those cells soon!
Comment by Renee 01.19.09 @ 9:40 pmAh-ha, Gatoraide will raise anyone’s BP – it’s the salt load.
Glad to see a post from you with a smile enclosed.
I’m glad you still have your good humor! We are praying for you.
Comment by Andrea 01.19.09 @ 11:14 pmThere’s a glimpse of that Alison humor! Keep it coming, and keep on taking excellent care of yourself.
Comment by AmyS 01.20.09 @ 1:34 amYay, Alison is back. We appreciate Rich posting when you’re not up to it, but we can tell you’re on your way back when the humor is here. LOL, tell Rich we said NO ONE in that house is allowed to kick the bucket, although I had to laugh when I read it!
Keeping you in our prayers, along with the family too!
Comment by Shelly H 01.20.09 @ 1:45 amI was so glad to chuckle at your post this morning!
Still praying…
Comment by Pegi 01.20.09 @ 4:16 amI will join in with everyone else. I check your blog daily and am glad that yesterday was some better. Take care and go slowly.
Glad to see you posting Alison – hope to see many more soon, talking about how great you feel and the things you are doing.
Comment by Sandra 01.20.09 @ 5:42 amOh, you are so silly! I’ll tell you a joke from my 4-year-old, who has a fabulous sense of humor. ‘Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?’….’Why?’….’To get to the rubber side!’ This had me cracking up. I’m rooting for you to get back on the road to recovery this week.
Comment by Elizabeth 01.20.09 @ 5:59 amA careening puke bucket sounds pretty messy. I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to come up with such a perfectly timed joke! Glad are all those numbers are easing out of the scary range.
Comment by LynnM 01.20.09 @ 6:02 amI’ve been working at a fair this past week and missed all the drama. So sorry to hear how bad things have been this time! I so wish to find an “all is well” post next time. My prayers are with you! Hugs.
Comment by Monica 01.20.09 @ 6:25 amI’m so glad to hear you are better! I’m praying for another good at a time. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 01.20.09 @ 6:32 amOh Alison, keep up that wonderful humor of yours. No need to tell you that you are being prayed for and held in my thoughts. The road back is not always easy, but you are on your feet now taking it. The day is coming soon when you will be knitting your way back to ultimate health. Hugs to you Bonnie
Comment by Bonnie 01.20.09 @ 6:33 amI love that you are joking again, Alison! Prayers continuing (but now I’m laughing with you while i do it!)…Debra
Comment by Debra 01.20.09 @ 6:56 amAlways the comedian! Good to know you’re upright, if only for a few minutes. At our house we have a “throw-up pitcher”. It’s great for that purpose – deep, with a handle, and portable. It was my youngest child’s best friend from age 2-age 7.
Comment by Niki 01.20.09 @ 7:17 amBananas. No, not how you are feeling or how your family is feeling – bananas can really help combat diarrhea. Tastes better than Gatorade(R) too. IMH(and non-medical)O. I remember we got ginger ale, salty rice, and bananas. Not together!
Glad to hear you’re joking – but be careful that instead of kicking the bucket, Richard might throw it at you if the jokes get too bad!
Comment by Margo Lynn 01.20.09 @ 8:56 amwelcome back to whole sentences and humour! we’ve missed you! *hug*
Comment by Mary 01.20.09 @ 9:51 amAlidaughter–
Glad to see your posting and to learn, from Mom, that you were able to walk as far as the kitchen and eat a little bland food.I hope what the doctor says today will be encouraging. It is just 7 das since you got the first 4 shots.
For today at least it is a pity you don’t have TV, but maybe you found the events in WDC on one of your computers. You would have seen Uncle Bob and Aunt Joyce many times. Joyce escorted Laura Bush and Lynne Cheney to the reviewing stand and was identidfied by the NBC announcers. Bob first escorted President Bush and Vice-President Cheney and then was part of the group that escorted Obama and Biden. After the inauguration ceremony there was an almost private ceremony in the President’s Office in the Capitol where President Obama signed official documents aknowledging the transfer of power. There were three, maybe four, senators there to witness this: Feinstein, Reid, and Uncle Bob. A bit later there was a luncheon in the Rotunda, and Bob and Joyce escorted the Bidens to that.
I’m sorry your mother probably didn’t see her brother doing all this, but maybe she did.
The important thing for us is your recovery and steady regaining.
Love, Dad
Weel that’s decidedly non-linear of you. Glad you’re feeling better (relatively speaking). Well enough to make really bad jokes – this is a sure sign of returning health.
(I laughed, I groaned, it was good
Comment by Lene 01.20.09 @ 12:50 pmHi Alison’s Dad – I think it’s possible a note to the news station carrying the pieces of film of interest, together with an explanation of “why” they were missed by important family, may result in the stations sending copies? it might be worth asking at least.
Comment by Mary Seabrook 01.20.09 @ 12:56 pmAs always, glad to hear from you. Also glad to see your still cracking us all up 😉
Comment by Alicia 01.20.09 @ 1:00 pmHow funny are you?! I am glad no one has kicked the bucket. Love and blessings every minute of the day to you and your family.
Comment by Vicki 01.20.09 @ 1:47 pmLeave a comment
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