Alison’s status
Friday January 23rd 2009, 8:21 pm
Filed under: Crohn's flare

The initial test results are in, and you may not believe it, but the doctor said her colon looked “Moth eaten.”  This is not good as apparently she has lots of ulcers about the size of a cigarette burn all over her colon.  This is significantly worse than the pictures they showed me 3 weeks ago.

The docs have a theory to explain why she is as bad off as she is, and if the tests are positive for what they suspect, it should be treatable.  It would be a good outcome, as it would explain several things, although the long term ramifications are not completely clear for me at this point.

56 Comments so far
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many good thoughts heading your way.

Comment by KathyN 01.24.09 @ 1:04 pm

Moth-eaten is bad enough when applied to fiber, but should not be a word applied to colon.

Thank you, Richard, for keeping us updated. We so appreciate it. Alison, I am continuing to send good and healing thoughts your way daily, to join in with the throng of thoughts and prayers and good wishes enfolding you. One hour at a time; one day at a time; that’s all any of us can do. You’re where you need to be right now, getting stronger, and you will get better. How can you not, with all of us cheering you on?

Comment by Cathy-Cate 01.24.09 @ 1:18 pm

Sending more healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family and caregivers. I wish you only the best!
I echo others in thanking Richard for updating when he can.

Comment by karen w 01.24.09 @ 1:25 pm

Hurrah for something that is treatable! It’s so much easier to take when a plan is possible.
And thank you, Richard, for keeping us updated.

Comment by Helen 01.24.09 @ 1:47 pm

Prayers coming your way. Thanks for the update. We’re all pulling for Alison!

Comment by Liz 01.24.09 @ 2:24 pm

Has Alison been eating moths in an attempt to keep them off her fiber? Boy, that WOULD explain a lot!

One step at a time…let’s hope they can verify their theory and go from there…

Thanks for keeping us posted Richard…take care of yourself…and let us know if we can do anything for either of you…and tell Alison to stop eating moths!

Comment by Betsy 01.24.09 @ 3:05 pm

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