I called my mom yesterday to wish her a happy birthday, and she told me that, reading my blog, it was clear to her that I’d been having a particularly happy week.
I answered that my flare had actually gotten worse during the week and that things were being pretty rough.
But you know? I got off that phone, thought about it, savored the tone that had been in her voice as she’d said that, re-read the week’s entries, and realized she was right. It *had* been a happy week! No amount of Crohn’s could change all the things that were wonderful. The surprise party and all the kind comments that flowed into the blog afterwards, Richard and Michelle being marvelously helpful, the two friends who came over during the week as well as the ones who came to the party, Mom’s silk blouse arriving in time for her birthday…
And in a rush of gratitude, I sat down and yesterday’s post just poured out of my fingertips.
So I have to offer one correction: Mom didn’t just teach me to see the best in others. She taught me to look for the best in every situation as well. She did it again. Thanks, Mom!
11 Comments so far
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Hope the worst of your flair is over, and that you can really enjoy next week.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 12.21.08 @ 9:23 pmYou and your mom are very fortunate to have each other. She sounds like a lovely lady and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. :>)
Comment by Joansie 12.22.08 @ 6:14 amIt really takes someone special to make lemonade from the same old lemons. (Chronic health issues simply are no fun!)
Comment by Channon 12.22.08 @ 6:40 amPoor health can seem to color every day, but good stuff is good stuff, and keeps rolling along regardless. It is one reason I enjoy blogging, because it really helps to take stock of what actually happened, and helps me see beyond the daily youches.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 12.22.08 @ 7:25 amThank the Lord for moms and for distractions that help us forget the trials in our lives. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 12.22.08 @ 9:28 amWE have a lot of snow and I am grateful for the neighbor who came to plow out the driveway. We are going downtown to the temple today. My daughter said we couldn’t go because the roads are bad but the Lord will take care of us.
Comment by sherry in idaho 12.22.08 @ 11:32 amSo I get “the letter.” The one that tells you how much MORE than your car insurance covers that it is going to cost to cover your daughters accident last summer. Before I started hyperventing, I thought “What would Alison do?” You know, the ex actually said he would help pay for part of it – hey if it’s only 20 dollars that’s more than I expected. And it won’t wipe out all my savings, I will have some left. And the big thing? She came out safe. Thanks Alison. It got me through the day.
Comment by Afton 12.22.08 @ 1:44 pmWhat a great mom you have!! 🙂 And what a great daughter you are to have acutally picked up all the wonderful things she was teaching you. 🙂
Comment by LDSVenus 12.25.08 @ 4:39 pmLeave a comment
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