Filed under: Life
The elderly black man pulled up alongside my car a few minutes ago while I was madly dashing around doing last-minute errands–I’d gone to the polling place first, then the pharmacy, now I was on my way to the post office–and he made a point of catching my eye and giving me a huge grin. I smiled back at him, wondering for a moment… Oh! Right! Of course. Duh.
I’ve got an Obama sticker on the back of my car. My first-ever bumper sticker in my life:
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When I went to the Obama rally, there were no bumper stickers being handed out as were the othre candidates (sigh). Occasionally there will be a car in front of me, stopped at a light, with McCain’s bumper sticker and I wonder about that person’s life and why that decision.
Comment by Joansie 11.04.08 @ 12:16 pmYes, Hope. I’ve voted today already. Felt good.
Huge Smile your way.
Hoping hard down here. I’m about to go pick up my younger daughter to take her to vote with me (my husband is taking our older daughter); she wants to fill in the president bubble.
Comment by Jocelyn 11.04.08 @ 4:02 pmMy vote is cast, my fingers are crossed.
And, Alison, I’m passing an I Love Your Blog award on to you. Hope you like it.
Comment by wunx~ 11.04.08 @ 4:25 pmThis morning, a young African-American woman came to spray my parents’ house for ants. (we won’t get into that, but I have a headache, my lungs and nose hurt. I don’t do this at my house…) Anyhow, she’d seen the Obama signs and asked if I’d already voted. I said yes–and would have voted twice if I could! She said she was going to soon. It was a private friendly moment-one I’m so happy to have had today.
Comment by Joanne 11.04.08 @ 7:05 pm“Occasionally there will be a car in front of me, stopped at a light, with McCain’s bumper sticker and I wonder about that person’s life and why that decision.”
I wonder that about every opinionated bumper sticker I see, political or not 😉 Yay for people voting!
Comment by Amy 11.05.08 @ 8:05 amLeave a comment
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