Filed under: "Wrapped in Comfort"
Okay, today I’m remembering to take my camera, even if I can’t make use of it yet.
I wonder if anyone else noticed–that last post, I finished writing it, got up from the computer, and it hit me almost immediately that that second to last paragraph was a perfect metaphor for the hopes of people around the world for how the United States will do after Tuesday’s results.
Anyway, back to yarn. I got some to play with, oh definitely, but no way to show them that I know how to do on this computer. I did quite enjoy one woman seeing a copy of “Wrapped in Comfort” on my lap and exclaiming, “Oh, I LOVE that book!” Karen, wearing the large Water Turtles shawl in its pages and standing next to me, answered, “She wrote the book!”
The woman’s delighted exclamations made all three years of effort worth it just in that moment, I tell you.
15 Comments so far
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That is awesome! I bet she was pleasantly surprised to find out it was you stading next to her!
Comment by Amanda 11.08.08 @ 10:11 amI hope you’re having a great time. How much extra will you have to pay to bring all of your yarn home? Still no grandchild yet–so we’ll probably be staying in town, as Leslie’s mother will be arriving soon. Let me know if I can catch you in MD before you depart for VT.
Comment by Laura 11.08.08 @ 12:52 pmI had hoped to see you today. Sorry I couldn’t make it.
Comment by RobinM 11.08.08 @ 1:14 pmIt was good to meet you today at lunch. All four shawls looked wonderful!
Comment by Laura 11.08.08 @ 3:43 pmYay! Isn’t it fun blowing people’s minds? 😀
Sorry I couldn’t be there with you guys, but alas, I figure you’d probably rather not wind up with this cold I have. Sometimes I wish my clients wouldn’t share *quite* so much. 😉
Hope you guys have/had fun! *hugs!*
Comment by Amy 11.08.08 @ 3:43 pmIf you were at home, I was going to call you tonight. But you’re on the east coast … rats! If you were going to be there much longer, I’d drive down and see you (NJ is only 4-5 hours away from Baltimore!)
The reason I’d call … I am starting a new knitting project that I’d eventually like to get published if possible which involves lace patterns. So, I went to Barnes & Noble with the idea of buying a lace stitches book. I was standing there, looking up and down the shelves, not finding what I wanted.
Suddenly, I saw a book with a beautiful woman in a gorgeous shawl. lying on top of the books on one shelf. I gasped because I knew instinctively that it was your book (I’d not bought it yet). Well, all I can say is that I have now! lol What a stunning book.
I’ll go hunting lace stitch books at the library.
Glad to know you’re still knitting! You inspire me.
Comment by Greta 11.08.08 @ 7:48 pmi know i would have been all fan gushing had it been me but what fun for you and hope you gets lots of that reaction
Comment by rho1640 11.09.08 @ 5:28 amHey, I love that book, too!
Comment by LynnM 11.09.08 @ 6:42 amHow absolutely fantastic to receive a compliment like that. I just received my copy and I love it and I can’t wait for you to sign it on Friday and finally get to meet you.
Comment by Joansie 11.10.08 @ 8:10 amI am starting to cry just thinking about how I am finally going to meet you on Friday.
I am sorry I haven’t made a shawl from your book yet.
After PROMISING myself I would stop all fall knitting and begin my cotton shells, I fell in love with your Peace of Mind Shawl and have begun it in Koigu. So come back to the shop NEXT year to see it on display!
Comment by Jacqui 11.14.08 @ 3:41 pmAlison, it was so nice to meet you. As I have greatly enoyed knitting and wearing the shawls that you have created, it was wonderful to experience the gentle energy and joy within the creator. Just being in your presence for that brief time was the highlight of my first time at a Stitches Event. I sincerely hope that I will see you again.
Comment by Joy Evans 11.16.08 @ 6:38 pmLeave a comment
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