This is Jill at Kaleidoscope. If you ever want to support a really nice LYSO, and you’re shopping online, and you like really nice yarns and soft yarns and quick delivery, I highly recommend her and her shop.
And I had to throw in this Ben and Jerry’s shot just for fun. Euphoric stuff indeed.
Saturday night two weeks ago after Stitches was over for the evening, Karen and I went to the Boogie Knights concert benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Tommy Fund. Kate in the middle here sang.
(Okay, I have to do the designer thing here and add, Karen’s wearing the original Water Turtles shawl–we looked for more turtles at the Canal, but it was just the wrong time of year, I guess; Kate’s wearing her Kate shawl, no, the pattern’s not out yet, and Deb is wearing her Michelle shawl. Deb and I wrote to each other and compared notes and supported each other as our kids were going through their teens, and my Michelle is the same age as her Kate, so knitting that pattern for her seemed just the thing.)Â Note how the lights above them look like a halo glowing out from their heads, centered particularly on Kate’s. I quite like that. It fits.
Okay, this one’s for my family: this is what the old homestead looks like now that the remodeling and painting is complete. It’s built into the hillside; from the back, there’s California-like high and long window space all across the back looking out on the woods. The house has been turned into a small private assisted-living facility in the middle of the neighborhood by the woman who bought it. If I were elderly and infirm, looking out on those gorgeous woods every day is exactly where I’d want to be. There’s now a large wooden deck out the living room with sliding glass doors stepping out onto it. Perfect. I debated knocking on the door and telling them about the cute chipmunks under the carport who will cautiously take peanuts out of your fingers if you hold still a very long time, and the raccoons, turtles, foxes and deer in the backyard. But I let it go. I have quite a few memories of possums landing in the trashcans and unable to get back out: you should see the teeth on those things. Dad would tip the can over on its side, whack the bottom with a broom to make it unfriendly in there, and go back inside where we would watch till the thing waddled out of there.
6 Comments so far
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I told Jill I was going to have payroll deduction soon and sent to her yarn shop.
Love the pic of you at Ben ‘N Jerry’s. I remember when they were operating out of a gas station on the same block as the bank I worked at. They learned how to make ice cream from a correspondence course. Now they are millionaires.
Comment by Joansie 11.20.08 @ 1:02 pmWas the picture of Karen, Kate & Deb taken at Stitches at lunch? It looks just as I remember you all looking in your shawls that day. You are such an inspiration!
Comment by Laura 11.20.08 @ 1:26 pmLovely shawls lovely ladies:)I finally have your book and have put the template in it so happy.I have to do some Christmas knitting but the first of the year Iam planning to knit up one of your shawls.There is a drawing on my blog I hope you will enter it:)Hugs Darcy
Comment by Darcy 11.21.08 @ 1:09 amAlison, the picture of you with “Euphoric Stuff” and (beautiful) long hair and glasses that, in the picture, remind me of Lennon glasses is a great reminder that you are from California these days.
Laura: yes, the picture was at Stitches, at lunch!
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