Two weeks ago, I called the doctor’s to ask about getting a flu shot, with the gut feeling I needed it *now*, knowing I’d never pass the screening questions at the drug store–they won’t take the liability. The nurse who answered the phone didn’t know me from Adam and couldn’t be moved, permanent chemo or not; one week’s wait for an appointment, no cutting in line. I stewed a little and debated simply showing up and telling them I would leave only when I got that shot; had I known what was coming, I would have. I should have. I did get my shot, but by then I’d been exposed to the flu three days before.
The doctor yesterday prescribed me some Happy No-Cough Sleeping Juice and offered a chest X-ray, and I told him let’s wait till we’re sure I need it; no pneumonia yet, but he made me promise to run back if it got any worse at all.
I was feeling a little sorry for myself.
Till we got a phone call this morning, and I have nothing! to complain about whatsofreakingever.
Imagine a fight between a car and a kid’s unprotected body that totals the car. Miraculously, no brain damage. He will heal. It’s simply going to take time.
I’m sending a card to the kid’s mom. She’s already got one of my shawls from when her husband slipped into a coma this past summer. And once again I passionately wish I could knit cures.
20 Comments so far
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Knit cures – what a beautiful thought. Yes, I wish I could too.
I know that you already do, but I have to say it. Take good care of yourself.
Comment by Linda 10.21.08 @ 4:38 pmI wish you could knit cures, too. I wish you could have cured my own late husband. However, you did something that physicians couldn’t do. You knit a scarf.
When I had to see an accountant for the first time in my life and ‘fess up to not being able to hold on to a receipt worth a damn, I marched right in, fortified by my beautiful hand-knit wonder. A wonder I once showed to a physician who announced that he’d never be able to knit so complicated a pattern as that.
I, too, have wished fervently that I could effect cures that were beyond me. I don’t like accepting that I can’t! You probably don’t either, so I thought I’d mention how valuable other things you do are.
Comment by RobinM 10.21.08 @ 6:35 pmInteresting how inspiration works. You got yours two weeks ago, telling you that you needed your flu shot early. I have been fairly diligent about getting mine, for the past four or five years. And this year I had some minor respiratory issues and the sense that this year, I *shouldn’t* get one. I’ll let you know how that turns out.
Comment by Lynn 10.21.08 @ 7:43 pmAbout your friend’s kid? There are some angels blowing on their fingertips, after that one. So glad to hear that he will recover.
Comment by Lynn 10.21.08 @ 7:47 pmSometimes deep breaths are the only thing that’ll get us through.
Comment by Michelle 10.21.08 @ 7:59 pmI sincerely hope that the family has no more misadventures. Talk about the other shoe dropping. sending good vibes ::::vibe::::
Comment by Carol 10.21.08 @ 8:52 pmOne of the meanings of the word “knit” is to heal, in the sense of broken bones being “knit” together, etc. But you can’t do it with your needles, even your best rosewood ones.
Comment by Laura 10.22.08 @ 3:17 amIt might have totaled the car, but you should see what shape the angle that was standing between kid and car is in! What a miracle. I have an adult son that has Traumatic Brain Injury and is in a wheel chair from a car accident. It’s not a fun life.
On the up side, they said he’d never survive it and he has a job, does quite a bit for himself and we move on.
Comment by LizzieK8 10.22.08 @ 6:37 amOh, I do hope you feel better! I’ll have to tell you in an e-mail my experience at the doctor’s yesterday…similar to yours. However, like you, because I work in the medical field, there are situations that others have to endure and you count your blessings.
Comment by Joansie 10.22.08 @ 6:53 amI’m sorry to hear that you are sick and very, very sorry for your friend and her child. I hope he heals quickly. I know that having a friend like you is a comfort in times like this.
Comment by Allison 10.22.08 @ 7:19 amI loved what you said – that you wish you could knit cures and it is amazing how often we get blue and then, hear of someone who’s had such a horrendous experience, we feel fortunate after all but, I still think you have the right to feel a little sad…at least for a few minutes…and it proves people should listen to you – you know what you’re talking about!!! 🙂 Best wishes to you, Alison…hope you can drink lots of fresh orange juice…and that someone else will make it for you…and best wishes to the child who was injured as well.
Get Well Quick!!! (I’m knitting prayers for you.)
Ow. Colds are just miserable. We’ve got a strain going around here too. (As soon as the kids go back to school, all their parents start getting sick and passing it around the office.)
Swift healing to both you and the child in the accident- and patience to the kid’s family. 🙂
Comment by RobinH 10.22.08 @ 8:27 amDid you consider it was the Flu shot that got you sick? I’ve heard that from several people, even this year.
Either way, feel better soon!!!
Get well.
And you do knit cures. Healing the spirit is perhaps even more important than the body.
Comment by Channon 10.22.08 @ 9:25 amyou may not think it, but you do knit some sort of cures – the type that helps thos ein need take their mind off their issues for a moment or two.
It helps.
Oh, boy. That really puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? I bet that mom is wearing the shawl you knit her right now — not a cure, but certainly a very necessary warmth in a dark time. I also hope that you’re feeling better soon!!
Comment by Jocelyn 10.22.08 @ 10:11 amI am sorry to hear you are not quite up to par. I hope that you are soon better. Take care. Here, it is possible to get the flu shot at the health dept, if no where else. Also at the Senior Center and drug stores–no questions asked. That poor kid that got hit–does not seem right that these things happen. I know his mom treasures her shawl.
Comment by sherry in idaho 10.22.08 @ 1:45 pmI am holding my breath for that kid! How old?
Yes I was thinking too that the flu shot might have made you sick…happened to a friend of mine.
Comment by karin 10.27.08 @ 6:54 pmHe’s nineteen.
But no, looking back, I could see how I was already starting to come down with the bug (and I know I was exposed the Friday and Sunday before the shot on Wednesday). I just didn’t have a cough or fever yet, I simply felt a little crummy. No fever? Okay, and they let me have the shot. I think it helped keep me from getting as bad as it could have been.
Comment by AlisonH 10.27.08 @ 7:25 pmLeave a comment
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