Filed under: Family
Turn on Cuisinart. Drop in frozen strawberries one at a time, watch them pulverize (does not work well if you start with a full bowl all at once). Add a few tablespoons of sugar. Taste, add strawberries, add a spot more sugar, repeat. Add a few glugs of milk, preferably with some fat content to it; process for several minutes. Remember to turn hearing aids off first. (You did read through the recipe first before starting, right?)
Ah yes. The good Mormon man comes home from work, and his wife hands him a cold one.
(Notice there wasn’t any left to include in the picture.)
9 Comments so far
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We used to do this a lot when the kids were home and we had our own chickens. Frozen strawberries from Sam’s. Orange juice concentrate. A banana or two, some powdered milk, and a couple of raw free-range eggs. We called them power shakes. I wonder how many gallons of that jollop I made, over the years?
Comment by Lynn 10.08.08 @ 8:36 pmMy version will have to be one of my diet shakes, but they do encourage you to put fruit in them, such as frozen strawberries. Believe I do have some in the freezer – breakfast, coming up!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 10.09.08 @ 3:41 amCold, refreshing, tasty and healthy! What else could you want in a beverage!
Comment by Joansie 10.09.08 @ 4:54 amThat is an excellent way to greet someone at the end of the day!
Comment by Jocelyn 10.09.08 @ 12:16 pmThough I’m not LDS, I live in Utah, so whenever we have a party, we have both “Bishop Approved” and “Bishop Disapproved” beverages. I prefer the Bishop Approved drinks, myself. I’m going to have to try your strawberry confection, it sounds yummy.
Comment by wunx~ 10.10.08 @ 12:24 pmYummy! I loved it. (We make vanilla yoghurt smoothies with banana and raspberries. Not bad at all!)
Comment by Monica 10.13.08 @ 12:26 amLeave a comment
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