Santa Rosa tomorrow, Stephanie, Stitches East; my life suddenly played Fifty-Two Pickup on me in the late afternoon today, everything thrown in the air. I have never been so glad to hear that child of mine on the line. She sounded like I felt: a small voice, hesitating, “Mom??…!!”
And then we threw our arms around each other across the phone lines.
I wrote a blog draft during the two+ hours I waited to hear, two. long. hours. that were longer than being in labor, needing desperately to do something and dealing with it by addressing it sideways, talking about how, when a kid turns 18, they’re not covered under the family health insurance anymore unless they’re a full-time student, and if they get sick enough to be forced to drop out, then what the heck do you do? They can’t get employer-funded coverage themselves if they’re too sick to work, and even then, as grad students, once they hit 23 they are dropped from the family coverage by the insurers: yours, mine, anyone’s. I wrote that that’s part of why I’m voting for the man who wants to offer to all Americans the same health insurance plan that members of Congress get. Go Obama.
All that doesn’t really matter so much to me right now, and I’m debating deleting that part entirely from this post. No arguments, please, not today. All that matters to me is that my daughter was able to pick up that phone herself and call home and talk to me. After a few minutes, relaxing, she put on her best Monty Python imitation and joked, “I’m not dead yet!” And she told me how grateful she was to her brother and sister-in-law for taking care of her. I am so glad they’re at the same university.
The on-campus student health center had sent her to the hospital, fast, thinking she had a blood clot in her lungs. What Ruth Schooley died of. We have known for the past year that there was a risk of that. Turns out it wasn’t that; the CT scan indicated a virus inflaming her lungs. But there were those hours this evening where I’d gotten the simple message from my son of, I’m taking my sister to the hospital for a pulmonary embolism, more later.  And all I could do was wait and pray hard.
She’s okay.
And he had dropped everything on the spot to help her be okay, despite the fact that he’s taking the LSAT tomorrow.
24 Comments so far
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I’m so glad she was able to call you. We will send thoughts and prayers her way.
Comment by slimsdotter 10.03.08 @ 9:13 pmI am so sorry for what a stressful time you had before you had any news. As moms, we do tend to worry. The insurance thing is a really hard one. You just have to hope you can get them through college and into a good job so they can start carrying their own plan. I also support Obama. When McCain said during the debate that he did not want to put American’s health in the hands of the federal government I thought what a hypocrite – your health plan comes from the federal government and it is good enough for congressmen, senators and other federal employees but not appropriate for the rest of us. Give me a break.
Comment by rebecca jc 10.03.08 @ 11:25 pmWoa…glad it wasn’t en embolism. Sorry she is sick. Glad her brother was there for her. A pulmonary embolism is what took my mother back when I was three.
Comment by Ruth 10.04.08 @ 12:02 amOh, I know! DD developed her CNS Lupus with Hughes Syndrome while she was away at graduate school in Virginia. Lost her teaching job and health insurance. After a year’s wait she got Medicare, thank goodness. Still, they have a medical debt they will never be able to repay after multiple flairs/hospitalizations.
Enough – we should both be happy this morning, I love happy endings.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 10.04.08 @ 3:27 amOh Alison. There are no words to fully express the relief and everything else I’m feeling. None. Sending you those feelings.. to add to your own. Brother is a Blessing. Sending healing energy your daughter’s way, may she get well soon!
YES to Obama! and HUGS to you!
Big hugs to you and your family. I’m glad everyone’s ok and that her brother was there to take good care of her.
See you in a few hours!
Comment by no-blog-rachel 10.04.08 @ 6:07 amGlad to hear DD called. My thoughts and prayers to you, her, and the rest of your family. I have one son and cannot imagine what I would do if he or his family had health issues. He is self-employeed and buys his health insurance…which would do no good if they actually needed it. I’m also appalled at what we call health care. We are so not first in the world in so many ways. Go, Obama. And when you are ready and able, I recommend reading Fareed Zakaria. He has many good thoughts on our country and our place in this world.
Comment by judy 10.04.08 @ 6:19 amYour son will be an amazing laywer no matter what he gets on the LSAT! He’s got his priorities straight. I’m still smiling because things turned out so well after all.
Comment by LynnM 10.04.08 @ 6:35 amOh, *hug*
Comment by Amy 10.04.08 @ 7:26 amOh my goodness, how scary! I’m so glad that it wasn’t as bad as it originally sounded…I’m guessing this isn’t your ice cream girl — which is good, because the shop is currently under renovation, getting a handscooped pint this week would be MUCH more complicated than last time.
Much love to you and yours.
Comment by Kristine 10.04.08 @ 7:34 amHow scary! I am so happy to know that she is doing better. It must make you feel much better knowing that she has her brother.
Comment by sonya 10.04.08 @ 7:42 amI am so glad she was able to call you. What an awful time that must have been! I’m thinking good thoughts for you and your daughter today.
Comment by Michelle 10.04.08 @ 7:55 amyou must have been beside yourself – and each minute must have felt like hours — so glad she is ok – well other than the inflammation… 😉
Comment by rho1640 10.04.08 @ 8:26 amI am so happy for you and your daughter. I have two grown ones myself. We mothers know what it’s like to have your heart walking around outside your body.
Comment by Judy M 10.04.08 @ 9:57 amPhew! A virus is nothing to shake a stick at, but with a round of antibiotics all should be well soon. Thank God it wasn’t an embolism!
My father had one while he was dying from pancreatic cancer, then got a cold on top of that, and the combination of the two took him out pretty quickly. He was lucky, because he never to got the worst pain stage of the illness. But it was sudden, and it was scary.
A younger, stronger person would be able to fight it better, but still — so glad you don’t have to worry about that being the problem.
I didn’t know that was what happened to Ruth. I’ve been reading all the articles about her, though, and wish I’d gotten to meet her, online or in person. Would have been great either way. She sounds like she was a really cool, fun person.
Comment by Paula 10.04.08 @ 12:46 pmOh, thank heavens! What a scary time that must have been for you. I know how frightening it is when your darling is far away, and gets sick. All you want to do is hug them and hold their hand, and tell them it will be alright, whether that’s true or not. I’m so glad she’s ok. And what a son you have! So comforting to know they are there for each other, no matter what else is going on in their lives. Good job by you!
Comment by Pegi 10.04.08 @ 2:58 pmHugs for you and for your children, too. It is obvious to me that you raised them right.
Comment by sherry in idaho 10.04.08 @ 3:44 pmBlessed be.
Oscar (my husband) lost his first wife to a pulmonary embolism, when she was only 29.
Keeping your daughter in my thoughts. And thanking you for raising such an outstanding son. I can only hope mine turns out as caring. (We’re getting there…)
Comment by Sandra 10.04.08 @ 6:35 pmWhew! It was wonderful seeing you today, my dear friend. I am so glad your daughter is ok!
Comment by Romi 10.04.08 @ 8:41 pmWow, you must have been a mess until that phone rang. Glad she is okay!
Comment by Amanda 10.05.08 @ 4:33 amI am so glad that you daughter is ok. What a week you have had! Very stressful, indeed!
The health care insurance issues in the U.S. are shameful. That I supported Hillary with my heart, Obama has my vote.
Comment by Joansie 10.05.08 @ 10:10 amOh, gosh. I just have chills imagining what those hours of waiting must’ve been like. I’m so so glad that she’s OK. And that she had someone nearby to be with her; what a blessing.
And yes. Vote for health care. Yes, yes.
Comment by Jocelyn 10.05.08 @ 3:21 pmPhew! So glad she’s okay, so glad you raised wonderful kids who are THERE for each other…
We have a healthcare CRISIS. As the unemployment rate rises, it will become whatever is bigger and worse than a crisis.
Comment by Channon 10.06.08 @ 6:25 amLeave a comment
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