Filed under: Knit
This yarn is a lot greener of a teal in real life. I finally just grabbed the Knitpicks 9’s on hand and used them. They’re too slippery-slick for my taste: my hands have gripping problems so they tire more quickly holding onto these tightly so I don’t drop anything, and I was avoiding them. But I finally sat myself down and realized, they’re not perfect. But I have them. And time is a finite gift, and while I have the time to knit this for the person it needs to go to, for goodness sake, knit it, fer cryin’ out loud!
Holz and Steins they may not be, but it was a relief to see this project finally starting to grow. I hope to get this shawl done before the weekend.
4 Comments so far
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No luck finding them. Andrew also hasn’t seen them, but I’m keeping my eyes peeled.
Comment by Jasmin 10.14.08 @ 3:54 pmSo… which photo is more the true color? This one or the next one? I love them both, actually…
Comment by Channon 10.15.08 @ 5:58 amIt’s going to be beautiful. Do you knit with needles made specially for lace knitting?
Comment by Joansie 10.15.08 @ 6:41 amLeave a comment
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