I’ve done a number of booksignings around here where people knew me well already and it mostly seemed an excuse for friends to come see each other, where I didn’t do the typical author read-from-the-book thing; it would have meant interrupting lots of conversations to get started and people were clearly having a fine time already, which to me is the point of any get-together. So we kept it informal.
Last night at Green Planet (where I utterly forgot to pull out my camera, this is an older photo), Beth introduced me and it was a more formal set-up this time. I both keenly enjoyed it and felt I rather flubbed it; I tripped over myself, forgot names, was a bit of a ditz…but I have to say that it was definitely great fun. With my deafness, I kind of wanted to ask Beth afterwards whether the questions asked and my answers had had connections to each other often enough. Heh.
Beth had draped a shawl across the back of each chair and encouraged people to try them on. One woman asked, when I said I’d knitted one shawl for a friend and then a duplicate for the publisher, over and over, “How do I get to be your friend?” I was totally charmed, and thought, well, hon, that was a real good start. And what was your name again?…
Except, today, don’t expect anything any too soon. I hit my left hand on the edge of the metal towel rack on the shower door this morning, hard. I’m usually pretty impervious to pain, but wow. The doctor told me to gently exercise my hand, demonstrating hand-moving motions, and I immediately chirped hopefully, “Knitting?” She laughed; she got it. She has knitters in her family. She allowed as how it would set back my recovery if I did too much of it, and she will call me with the x-ray results when we find out if I broke it or not.
23 Comments so far
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Oh goodness, Alison – I hope you didn’t break anything. The only positive to not being able to have knitting time is it’s a great time to catch up on reading but, I know how awful it is to have something else become injured…please just know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you heal very quickly!
I hope someone brings you dinner tonight – you deserve a treat and some tender care,
Ouch honey, here’s hoping it isn’t broken.
Hope to see you Saturday.
Comment by Tiny Tyrant 10.02.08 @ 3:01 pmOh, no! I vote for the not-broken diagnosis. But I’m glad to hear that the book-signing went well 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 10.02.08 @ 3:36 pmEek! I think the healing properties of chocolate are necessary for mental and physical health.
Comment by Michelle 10.02.08 @ 3:58 pmOh Dear! – I really hope “broken” isn’t the diagnosis, although sometimes soft tissue injuries can be even more annoying than bones! – be gentle with yourself, and call in reinforcements if you have any suddenly apparent deadline knitting to do… we don’t want you to break yourself further!
Comment by Mary Seabrook 10.02.08 @ 4:46 pmOuch! Sorry to hear about that – here’s hoping it’s not broken, and remember – there will always be time to knit.
Comment by niki 10.02.08 @ 5:04 pmOuch! I know it’s already been said, but is still true. Find some other way to get your creative needs met for a few days, so you can knit all the better later. Good luck.
Comment by Ruth 10.02.08 @ 5:23 pmOye. The Mangle Fairy has been one busy dude today! [I stepped funny getting off the bus this morning and did something to my knee.] Teleporting you some chocolate; Michelle is right on the money!
Comment by Lynn 10.02.08 @ 5:31 pmOh, I am so sorry. Hands hurt so much more when hit especially when they are wet or cold. And I think I am going to need handholding when I start my shawl. I have the book, needles and yarn, now I need to find a block of time to devote to a bigggg project. Take care, Donna
Comment by Donna in Ely 10.02.08 @ 5:38 pmI hope you are able to strike the perfect balance, knitting enough to be therapeutic, but not so much as to set yourself back further.
Comment by Marlene 10.02.08 @ 5:46 pmArgh, how aggravating! Hands are so awkward. Take care and hope you’re healed soon.
Comment by RobinH 10.02.08 @ 6:25 pmMajor ouch! I hope it’s not broken – am sure, though, that if it is, you’ll find a way to get around the “not too much knitting” rule.
Sending knitting vibes (of the bone variety) your way.
Comment by Lene 10.02.08 @ 6:35 pmOh no! I will hope and pray that it is not broken.
A broken hand is a terrible thing. After 15 years I still have problems and pain with the hand that was broken.
Oh ow! Heal fast and feel better soon! No, not soon – NOW! 🙂
Comment by no-blog-rachel 10.02.08 @ 9:06 pmOh, poor baby. Assuming you’re right handed, you can still crochet, if you crochet. I say get some bed-rest and cocoa. And chocolate. Snuggling with hanks of yarn is good therapy too.
Comment by Kathy in KS 10.02.08 @ 9:17 pmA few years ago one of my cats bit me and punctured my right thumb tendon in two places which meant keeping it immobilized for quite a long time. What a nuisance that was! Hope you make a speedy recovery (and don’t go insane if you have to reduce the knitting!)
Comment by LynnM 10.03.08 @ 12:26 amHopefully, the x-rays will show that you have no broken bones and that you will soon be able to knit like you have been. In the meantime, be good to yourself, arm yourself with books, your favorite beverage, put your feet up and enjoy yourself. :>)
Comment by Joansie 10.03.08 @ 5:19 amOh goodness… I hope you’re okay.
And the dryer had come unplugged. I’m not asking questions, just giving thanks!
Comment by Channon 10.03.08 @ 6:24 amWould typing blog entries set back your recovery?
Comment by RobinM 10.03.08 @ 9:20 amOk we are officially sisters- I thought I was the only one who could do things like that — OUCH!
Comment by rho1640 10.03.08 @ 12:54 pmAw, hope your hand is better soon. 🙂
Hope you’re having a wonderful time.
Swift healing!!!
I was diagnosed with arthritis in my thumb joints so my knitting has slowed to about half.
I seem to treasure the time spent knitting even more, though.
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