Concert scarf pattern, shawl-ified. Yarn by Tina. Swirl effect by Nathania. Smiles by little Ellie to everybody she can see to wave hi at (unless you lean in too close, in which case she wants her mommy only, which is totally normal at nine months).
Nathania’s outfit and the print in Ellie’s are the same shade of lavendar, and it always cracks me up: they always match. Just like I used to dress my babies in clothes the same colors as the ones I had on that day, every day, without noticing for the longest time that I was doing that. Even after I did notice, still, most often I’d be halfway through the morning before I would realize that I’d done it again. It was as normal and natural to do as singing. Or cracking bad puns.
(Edited to add the answer to Joyce’s question up here: the Concert Scarf is a 12+6 lace pattern +6 edge stitches. I started the (where are my notes I was sure I wrote which one down) one of the shawls in “Wrapped in Comfort” that had a 6+1 lace pattern in the yoke, and then since 12+6+6=24, fudged it by I think I added one stitch to each edge. I did the edges of the Concert Scarf pattern at the beginning and ending of each row, with the repeating part over and over between. Nathania and her husband met in a singing group, so I wanted that pattern in her shawl.)
9 Comments so far
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Very nice. I love lavender! Does the 9 month old have her own knitting needles yet? Just kidding!!!
Comment by Joansie 10.17.08 @ 4:55 amThe shawl is beautiful!
And the look on the baby’s face is priceless. 🙂
I’ve missed a bunch of posts…internet connection stinks here…30 minutes to load a page. 🙁
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 10.17.08 @ 5:23 amIt’s beautiful! How can we do it, too, make a scarf into a shawl, I mean. What lovely colors, too!
Comment by Joyce in NH 10.17.08 @ 5:46 amThat’s funny. I always assumed there was a method to it when I saw a mom and littles dressed in the same colors…
Comment by Channon 10.17.08 @ 5:46 amYour puns are GOOD! You made me think of the word “crack” and the Irish “craic.” Wonder if there’s a connection?
I tried to dress Emily just like me when she was a toddler–in sensible dark turtlenecks and leggings. As soon as she could express a preference she wanted light colors and pretty Laura Ashley dresses! In my defence, she got them!
Comment by LynnM 10.17.08 @ 6:55 amI just love babies so pretty.The Shawl is gorgeous looks terrific on her.Hugs Darcy
Comment by Darcy 10.17.08 @ 9:17 amGorgeous, gorgeous! And perfect models, which makes it even more fun to see 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 10.17.08 @ 4:28 pmGreat shawl, and beautiful Baby! So lovely to see happy people full of love in knitting made with love! I love that you didn’t realise you dressed your babies in the same colour as you. How wonderful! Your blog gives me so much joy, thank you.
Comment by Vicki 10.17.08 @ 5:03 pmLeave a comment
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