Filed under: Friends
I had an East Coast friend once beg me, “Please don’t tell me you wear socks with your Birkenstocks!” I laughed and wrote back, “I live in California: *everybody* wears socks with their Birkenstocks!” And handknit socks especially, if they’re knitters.
When Mel and Kris came here, I meant to take a picture of our feet together, but I was having too good a time to remember to.
I have two pairs of these, one I keep for looking good, one that got messed up in some flooding, so you might as well wear them for splashing in the rain anyway. Which is why I went back and bought a second pair while they still had them in stock–I was afraid the first was going to reek and split when they dried and that I was going to have to toss them, but no. They’re pretty indestructible. When Kris exclaimed over how new these looked, I had to explain I was simply putting my best foot forward.
When I saw the two of them the week before at the art fair, I was surprised to see she was wearing my Birkenstocks. But it gets funnier: she had bought the exact same shoe in the exact same color in the exact same size at the exact same store I’m sure the exact same summer, despite the fact that she lived three if not four hours north of here at the time. She’d been in the area for a fair and had stopped by the Birkenstock outlet in Gilroy too. And there you go. We artsy creative types, we all dress in uniform, huh?
They live in Oregon now, though, so I guess we’ll have to let them skip the socks.
8 Comments so far
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Birkies WITHOUT socks?! Eeew! (You may tell her I said so. VBG!)
(Actually, I wear my Arizona sandals without socks. Bostons definitely with socks. Always.)
Comment by Barbara-Kay 09.13.08 @ 2:57 pmI love my Birks — especially with handknit socks. In fact, they’re the shoes I wear when I’m looking for an excuse to wear warm cozy socks 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 09.13.08 @ 4:07 pmToo funny! Of course you have to wear Birkenstocks in order to show off the handknitted socs.
My daughter was excited to show me her new yarn purchase. When she pulled the skein out, I pulled mine out also…we both purchased the same thing. We’ve done that with sweters and jewelry.
The old saying..”Great minds think alike!” applies in your situation and mine.
Comment by Joansie 09.13.08 @ 4:20 pmI guess back East people’s feet don’t sweat and smell up their leather sandals?
Comment by Ruth 09.13.08 @ 8:40 pmThat’s really neat. I do love my Birki “flipflops” in the summer, but for fall, I switch to Crocs and closed-back clogs for winter.
Comment by Channon 09.14.08 @ 8:45 amWe were them that way in Michigan, although those of us who wear socks and sandals/Birkies all year round are fewer.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 09.14.08 @ 6:09 pmGiggled till the cows came home. 🙂
We all sweat & stink & smell up our shoes. Socks are a such a boon. Enjoy your birkie doodles.
It’s the strappy sandals worn with socks that Southerners scratch their heads over.
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 09.14.08 @ 6:27 pmBostons, Arizonas, Floridas, Tahitis, and Madrids have all played host to handknit socks in my house. I wear my Bostons every winter day that doesn’t actually snow (yes in Philly!) and I mourn my missing Madrids. Birkenstocks rock the house!
Comment by Tola 09.15.08 @ 5:14 amLeave a comment
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