Filed under: Life
The woman looking at the package next to us at Costco yesterday had her glasses on but they were dangling down around her chin as she was trying to read the fine print on the ingredients list. She looked vaguely like someone I knew, and although she wasn’t that someone, that probably helped me to respond as if she were, and she was frowning. Costco on a Saturday is a crowded hassle, so that was certainly understandable.
I laughed, “I thought I was the only one who did that.” I tend to hang my glasses by one ear dangling downwards when I want to see way up close myself.
I startled her out of her reverie, and she chuckled that she gets strangers telling her, Hey, lady, did you know your glasses were about to fall off your face? But she’d never had anyone else say they do the same thing.
About ten minutes later, I bumped into her again and went, “There you go again.” She burst out laughing.
I never did see her frown again after any of that.
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I had laser surgery 8 years ago. I lost the ability to see things an inch from my nose, but I got the distance vision. It was better than 20-20 at first, but now its deteriorated to a plain 20-20 and it’s annoying. But before that, I had worn glasses for so long that every so often I still go to push them up my nose!
Comment by Laura 09.21.08 @ 6:23 pmI’ve been a member of Costco since they opened in Vermont about 15 years ago. You meet some interesting people there especially if you stop to have a bite to eat in their little cafe.
Wonder if you’ll ever see that lady at Costco again?
Comment by Joansie 09.21.08 @ 6:52 pmI love it. How funny and wonderful! It is so important to interact with people and make a connection even if we will never see them again. We are on this earth together. Can just imagine you with glasses dangling. Too funny.
Comment by Vicki 09.22.08 @ 3:49 amHi Allison, I followed you from over at The Yarn Harlot’s blog this morning….and sorry but this is OT, concerning Stephanie’s upcoming gig at Copperfield’s in Santa Rosa, which is my old home town…
Seriously, does Copperfield’s in the Village have ROOM for the crowd who will show up for Stephanie? It’s been a few years since I was there, so perhaps things are different. Just worrying about the “10 Chairs are Enough” Syndrome of previous tours. Just sayin’ !
I’d SO be present if I could; but it is not possible. Again, I’m sorry this is off topic; if I could have found your email, I’d have written you that way, having this idea that you are in closer contact with Stephanie than most of us. You’ll do whatever you think is best!
Comment by Macrina 09.22.08 @ 12:40 pmLeave a comment
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