I got a note today from my son John, who is in Mississippi at the moment.
A year ago, the John who is the owner of Village Spinning and Weaving was selling silk yarn at TKGA that had been dyed by his local weaving group for fun for him. I exclaimed over the price, and he grinned that yes, he’d gotten a very good deal on it.
I knitted up the one hank I bought into a Michelle shawl. Weighing how many grams the ball was shrinking per row, I was able to figure out how long I could make it before I had to start in on the bottom edging. I ended up with a shawl that was good for someone about my size but not a whole lot bigger. I had not a clue who I was knitting it for; it was more like, well, silk is like type O negative blood: pretty universally give-able, allergies-wise.
The finished shawl has been sitting there quietly off in a corner for months, patiently waiting its turn. I’ve wondered who on earth it was for. I had to wait for the moment that would tell me.
Our youngest headed off on a mission for the Mormon Church in December. They could have called him to anywhere in the world; they sent him to the one headquartered in Mississippi. (He came out okay in the hurricanes; thanks.)
I got a note from him today, telling me about a woman he’d met who has MS and whose husband is dying. I can only imagine what she’s going through. He told me he’d felt prompted to say something to her that had brought her great comfort, and he wanted me to know that it was all my fault: he reminded me of something I’d once said to him that I don’t even remember saying, that he’d passed on to her, about not being in fear and about the power of love and faith in our lives. It had made all the difference. He told me he felt that that moment was why he’d been supposed to come to Mississippi.
And then he just happened to mention that oh, by the way, Mom, she’s not a very big person, she’s about your size, and her favorite color is bright royal blue, and, like, maybe, you wouldn’t mind knitting a shawl for her, would you? She could really use to have something comforting like that to wrap around her right now.
I think this one will do. And I think other-John’s weaving group would like to know what one of their hanks of yarn is going to, so I’m linking to his shop so the word gets around.
(Edited to add: here’s a better picture of it, though it’s a bit darker here than in real life. I beat the post office closing time by ten minutes. It is on its way, and I hope it helps in the small way I can from way over here.)
12 Comments so far
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Once again our worlds cross. I know John of Village Spinning and Weaving. Our DD and son-in-law worked in Solvang. She took me to Village S & W when we went out to California for her wedding. In fact, my California souvenir is a complete set of black walnut Brittany knitting needles, and a set of Brittany black walnut crochet hooks, both purchased from John. Who knew that a short year later Brittany would cease making these wonderful tools, for lack of a renewable source of black walnut.
Comment by Barbara-Kay 09.17.08 @ 6:30 pmIsn’t it wonderful when things work out like that and you find out that you really had knitted it for a reason after all? And isn’t it nice to know that our kids actually *do* listen to us?
Comment by Jocelyn 09.17.08 @ 7:28 pmI also know John (and wife Marsha) at Village Spinning & Weaving. It’s a lovely, lovely shop and it’s always a treat to go in and browse around. John and Marsha are extremely knowledgeable in all things pertaining to all yarns. So glad to see mention of this in your blog.
Comment by Pam 09.17.08 @ 8:24 pmThe shawl has found the perfect home. You raised a wonderful son.
Comment by Sonya 09.18.08 @ 5:15 amAlison, the shawl is so beautiful. I’m so pleased that someone in need of such comfort is receiving it. You will be blessed many times over for such an act of kindness.
Comment by Joansie 09.18.08 @ 5:23 am“I think this one will do.” Alison says.
Probably the understatement of the month;I’m thinkin’ it will, too. Bless your heart. 🙂
Wow. Every time I think I’m the only one doing something odd, I find out there’s some other knitter out there who has been doing it all along. I was working on a project and people kept asking me who it was for. I kept saying I didn’t know yet, and they’d look at me cross-eyed. It’s sort of a knitter’s take on the Field of Dreams; if you knit it, and keep your heart open, you’ll be told who it’s supposed to be for. Bless your heart for being open to listening.
Comment by Kathy in KS 09.18.08 @ 6:11 amBeautiful! She will love it :-}
And you raised that boy right :-}
I love it when the pieces just fall into place. It’s a small world after all…
Comment by Channon 09.18.08 @ 8:38 am“Amen” to all the other comments.
Comment by Tola 09.18.08 @ 8:55 amIsn’t it just amazing when you find out that all the talking you did as your kids are growing up – that some of it actually actually stuck – and it was the IMPORTANT stuff that makes a difference. Too cool. And that shawl is going to be so perfect!
Comment by rho1640 09.18.08 @ 5:36 pmLeave a comment
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