You know I had to go back over to Purlescence today. Nathania happened to be just inside the door, ready for a hug.
I explained “Talk like a pirate” day to a customer who was wondering what was going on. There was a tv set up with Errol Flyn swashbuckling his way around, while the Purlescence-errrrrs were dressed the part: all the fun of Halloween and of welcoming the fall, without the sugar overload. Perfect.
Kay’s holding Ellie, whose outfit says “Shiver me timbers;” Ellie got a few good “Arrrrgh!”s in for good measure as she slowly woke up.
And a very good day was had by arrrrrrgh.
4 Comments so far
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Nathania looks lovely, and so happy, in her new shawl. Nice work, ma’am!
Comment by Lynn 09.20.08 @ 2:58 amSounds like a lovely day! The shawl fits perfectly, and, of course, is beautiful.
Comment by Joansie 09.20.08 @ 4:59 amWhat a Perfect shawl for Nathania, the colours and I CAN see the music in the overall fabric with the colours!
You’ve the best heart…. me hearty.
When I read “emailing and scheming” in the previous post it occurred to me that we should thank our lucky stars that you “scheme” for Good. Otherwise, your diligent ways would surely make for a high seas terror! _chuckles_ Shiver me timbers, Matey, you’ve done it again! The shawl is tremendous.
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 09.20.08 @ 6:45 amLeave a comment
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