Filed under: Knit
I have a list of projects I want done and a general timeline in mind for most of them. But all of them were calling out to me at once, and it was driving me nuts: one at a time, children! And the one I’d planned to do next, when I swatched it last week, it just went, nahhhhh, and told me I hadn’t quite gotten the right idea for it down yet. I dithered.
It’s a relief to finally be going, okay, you, you–out of the bag. Onto the needles. Pronto. Let’s get you dressed and ready for school and out of here.
Meantime, over the last week I made five of these for various goings-on. This isn’t the best-looking one of them at all–it’s one of the early efforts–but it’s the one that got its class picture taken.
I used to be on the PTA. This is to show that I, too, know how to dress a mousse.
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It looks like I may get the pleasure of meeting you again in SR on the 4th at Stephanie’s signing. May I bring my yarn and get your opinion on which shawl to make from your beautiful book? I love the colors of the yarn, but I have an appalling lack of knowledge as to what ends up how. Great. Now I’ve alerted you and you can come disguised to avoid my pitiful questions. Rats. Oh well, just being around the yarn and smart knitters will be awesome.
Thank you, and absolutely! Bring it, let’s talk yarn–I will be there, definitely!
Comment by AlisonH 09.22.08 @ 3:07 pmYum… That does it. No Luna bar this morning. Off for a cup of coffee and a piece of coffee cake!
Comment by Channon 09.23.08 @ 5:58 amOh my! What is that yummy-looking confection?
Comment by Shelly 09.23.08 @ 6:56 amChocolate mousse rolled up inside a flourless chocolate cake topped with ganache made of super-heavy cream and good European bittersweet chocolate. And you know, if you make two batches of mousse, you end up with six egg whites leftover: whip them with a shake of cream of tartar, a cup of sugar and a half cup of flour and bake in an 8″ springform for 20-25 min at 350, and you’ve got a half-sized angel food cake for mopping up the rest of the ganache.
Comment by AlisonH 09.23.08 @ 8:46 amThank you for telling me what that was! I was thinking, is that some east coast thing that I still haven’t figured out in all the years I have lived in exile out here?……
Comment by afton 09.23.08 @ 11:22 amI just all my born days I’ve never actually made chocolate mousse. I must make restitution. Thank you for the spontaneous angel food cake recipe. I have to try it now. I love to cook.
The yarn…you know it’s beautiful.
I know you do. 🙂
There are two basic types of mousse: one that’s made with egg yolks cooked in a sugar syrup and then chocolate and whipped cream added in, and a lower-fat, simpler version made with whipped raw egg whites. Being immunocompromised, I went with the former. Good stuff.
Comment by AlisonH 09.23.08 @ 5:32 pmLeave a comment
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