Stray thought: I never thought I’d see the day when I would totally agree with–Newt Gingrich. Wow. Thank you, Suburbancorrespondent, for the link re the $700 billion bailout idea: I do like my radio in closed captions.
The silk that Claudia dyed that Sandi gave is turning into a Michelle shawl; the second strand is Misti Alpaca laceweight from my stash and my dyepot. The knitting started off a bit slowly, till my husband told me I was going to have to get me a ghostknitter. I don’t *think* so! Back to work!
I’m suddenly picturing Wall Street multimillionaire welfare kings being handed some needles and some Red Heart (got to be frugal, you know, yes, it has its uses, and no, guys, you don’t get qiviut this time) and told to chill awhile till something intelligent gets worked out.
8 Comments so far
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I’m shocked. Good thing I was sitting down when I read the part where you agreed with Newt, or I’d have fallen over right then n there.
Comment by Ruth 09.24.08 @ 10:49 pmI heard the NPR interview with Gingrich, and thought exactly the same thing. Now, today he’s all lovey-dovey with the plan that’s being discussed, but for one day Newt and I agreed!
Comment by Renee 09.24.08 @ 11:05 pmThis is too funny; I wonder which of us was reading SuburbanCorrespondent first? I fired off a letter to my representatives before leaving for work yesterday. I’ll email you a copy.
Red Heart yarn. And banged-up needles like on MasonDixon’s blog the other day. Or Clover bamboo circs with the awkward join. Amen, sister, amen!
Comment by Lynn 09.25.08 @ 3:33 amEh, teach ’em two crafts and let them whittle their needles too!
Comment by Channon 09.25.08 @ 6:07 amHeh! I heard that interview on my way in to work, and was completely bemused.
It’s probably a sign of low moral fiber or something, but I’m finding it purely hilarious that GWB and Co. have finally found a way to unite the parties (against him!)…
Comment by RobinH 09.25.08 @ 6:10 amYou’re on to something! Think how the world would be different if the UN, Congress, the President, all were required to knit. First, calmness would prevail. There would be no time for wars, counting the knitting pattern. Sheep farmers would prosper. The poor would be clothed (can’t have Congressmen walking about in “beginners’ handknit”! VBG!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 09.25.08 @ 6:30 amIt should be a requirement. First they would have to knit a pair of size 13 socks on size one needles. Then they would have to design a pattern that even a beg. knitter would be able to understand.
Comment by sonya 09.25.08 @ 9:23 amYeah, maybe they could donate squares to warm-up America.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 09.25.08 @ 11:13 amLeave a comment
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