Filed under: "Wrapped in Comfort"
I will be signing books at Green Planet Yarn in Campbell, CA on Wednesday, Oct. 1, from 6:30-8 pm.
As always, you can order a copy from Purlescence in Sunnyvale, CA (not the yarn store by that name in England) and I will gladly come in and inscribe it during Thursday Knit Night.
I will be signing books at Stitches East at 2:00 at Lisa Souza’s booth on Saturday, Nov 8, in Baltimore, MD, and plan to be there at Stitches pretty much all day Friday and Saturday.
I will be in Burlington, VT the following week…and we shall see.
If anybody wants to come early, I’ll be at Stephanie Pearl-McPhee’s booksigning next week in Santa Rosa, CA on Saturday, Oct 4th. That’s Stephanie’s show, not mine, but hey, I’ll be there; I’m afraid I can’t promise how long my carpool will stick around afterwards.
And oh my goodness–looking at my picture files, I find that the shawl that I was working on while waiting for Stephanie to speak last year was the one I surprised Tina at Blue Moon Fibers with. I had totally forgotten it was that one!
13 Comments so far
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Wow! It is happening! I’m going to finally get to meet you when you come to Burlington.
Comment by Joansie 09.24.08 @ 5:06 amBurlington – lucky girl!
So I’m in your carpool (unless you’ve changed plans) up to Santa Rosa – does that mean I’m part of your entourage? 🙂
Comment by no-blog-rachel 09.24.08 @ 6:10 amThese are exciting times, with book signings and entourage, too.
(As a keyboard person, I’ve had roadies, but never elevated to the level of entourage. VBG!)
Comment by Barbara-Kay 09.24.08 @ 7:18 amI always knew you had a special relationship with Lisa Souza. You were browsing in her booth when my child’s screaming led you to giving her (my daughter although I’m sure Lisa would appreciate it) that lovely finger puppet.
Meanwhile, will you score a special Lisa Souza discount?
Comment by Michelle 09.24.08 @ 7:24 amIf you’re busy with your adoring fan base, we’ll stay as long as need be. 🙂
Comment by Jasmin 09.24.08 @ 9:42 amHow cool is this!!!?
Wish I could be there in person to give you a gentle hug, but I’ll be there in spirit :-}
Comment by Diana Troldahl 09.24.08 @ 9:51 amI remember that shawl because I was there watching you work on it (we were in the front row together). I hope you remember me as much as I remember you (my friend, Mindy, and I were in town from Vegas just to come see Stephanie). I haven’t commented in a while (it is just so hard to keep up with everything) but I still read your blog everytime you post and I wish I could come see you again. Finances being the way they are, however, I can not go anywhere this year. Miss you lots.
Comment by Angie 09.24.08 @ 10:56 amOff-topic, but I wanted to thank you for your suggestion a few weeks back (in my comments) to check out BYU for my son. It’s perfect! Especially as he is planning to major in Arabic and Middle Eastern studies and Journalism….those are all strong departments there. Plus he’d get to see a new part of the country. So glad you brought it up!
Comment by suburbancorrespondent 09.24.08 @ 4:45 pmFurther off topic–my two oldest kids majored in political science at BYU and studied Arabic and Farsi there. (I think they egged each other into it and it took off from there.) They felt that the Middle Eastern languages program was very good (but the Arabic instruction was better than the Farsi.) They have both since graduated and are pursuing further stuies at Harvard and Yale.
Comment by Laura 09.24.08 @ 7:31 pmCan’t wait! I’ll have to remember to bring my book… and some Spudnuts for you!
Comment by Channon 09.25.08 @ 6:20 amHiya, Alison! Can’t wait to meet you at Stitches East! I’ll be sure to bring my book to sign. I’ll be the one with the cutest little blue-eyed baby boy in the chartreuse stroller.
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