Filed under: Knit
The first picture is the update on yesterday’s problem. Today’s the day for making progress on it.
Yesterday, feeling crummy, I needed something more positive to work with. If I didn’t have any energy, I could borrow some from my wool.
I had some of Lisa Souza‘s Sock!Merino yarn in Siobhan that had been sitting in my stash since the last Stitches, and for days it had been begging to come out of the bag. I was finishing (I thought) Ocean; I ignored the Siobhan, and besides, I had definite plans for what would come next. But never mind what I wanted to do: that Lisa yarn leaped into my hands the first chance it got yesterday and stomped its soft little merino feet at me and how could I resist?
I was of two minds about what I would do with it. Make a short, narrow, tie-in-front type wrap? Or a long, full shawl, the kind that would prompt a small child to twirl around and around to see it swoosh out around her? The stitches were coming out flowing and soft. Hmm. With two skeins, I had enough Siobhan for one or the other but not both. I spent a long time hashing out pattern details for knitting it either way: one yoke, a different increase row, two outcomes. I changed my mind a few times. I started. And then, being foggy-brained, I stitched a boneheaded error.
There is a cliche in knitting about mistakes: if you wouldn’t be able to see it from the back of a galloping horse, nobody else will ever notice it either, so just forget it. Except that idea doesn’t work for me anymore–what I have to go by, I realized, looking at the two missing yarnovers around the central stitch three rows earlier and how tight it would all draw up into the later rows if I tried to breeze by, was the thought that, if, say, a non-knitter photographer enlarged that section and put it on the cover of a book or magazine, would a knitter notice?
And so we had Siobhan, take two, and the photo above. Early on in the process. No biggy.
And then we got an email last night that totally energized me and made it suddenly clear exactly why I needed to be working on a practical, machine-washable beautiful and soft wool for a new mom.  The short tie-in-front model wins. Congratulations and welcome to the world, little one!
4 Comments so far
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What a cute little model you have there. Babies are great for lifting spirits, eh?
Comment by Channon 08.15.08 @ 6:05 amLeave a comment
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