Froggy weather with partial sunshine
Thursday August 14th 2008, 4:58 pm
Filed under: Knit

Channon wanted a lace repair book.  Here you go.

It’s splayed out like a seventh-grade frog dissection in science class.  Here’s what I’ve done so far:  I undid the cast-off to the point above where I needed to work and opened up the work space by holding the stitches on separate needles there.  Every time I unpicked a double decrease, I ran a length of laceweight between the two side stitches to hold them together (tying it in a knot so it doesn’t pull outfrog dissection) so that when I come back up, it’s clear they’re a pair straight across, with the one between to be added back in.

I then thought to add a length of yarn through the stitches being dropped as I laddered them down to get to the offending part.  Ahoy!  Here be drag-ins!

It does help that I’m doing this after a rinsing-and-drying so that the stitches want to hold their shape.  I got a few rows worked back together.  But it gets squirrelly where I knitted past the drops, and I have now spent an hour doing everything but going back and working on it some more.  I keep thinking things like, you know, I really need to get that carpet cleaned.  Maybe today’s a good day to go do that instead.

You know those cartoons with a tiny devil dressed in red and a pitchfork leaning into one side of a person’s head, and the angel waving frantically on the other?  “Just frog it!” “No, no, it can be rescued and you know it!”

What is ironic is if I end up trying both, but I don’t think so.  Yet.

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Clearly you have surgeon’s hands.

Comment by Michelle 08.14.08 @ 5:14 pm

Very interesting! As I was reading I wanted to ask you “out loud” as to when you decide to fix and when do you decide to “frog” when it is several rows down and decreases, increases, YO’s are involved. I think I’ve knitted my current project three times over because of similar problems.

Comment by Joansie 08.15.08 @ 5:03 am

Yay!! Thank you, thank you!

Comment by Channon 08.15.08 @ 6:00 am

Thank you! I hadn’t thought of the lace weight keeping the side stitches in order.

Comment by Diana Troldahl 08.17.08 @ 6:33 am

I’m so far behind on reading blogs (because of my own lace!), but this is really interesting to see (because of my own lace!) 🙂

Comment by Jocelyn 08.17.08 @ 8:35 am

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