Filed under: Life
Coming home from San Rafael yesterday, it was amazing watching the fog blowing in fast and hard in the bright afternoon through the top of the Golden Gate Bridge as we were rounding the corner from Marin, and then on the bridge itself, you couldn’t see the next arch ahead. These pictures were taken at about 3:45 pm.
More pictures when I get the time to tweak the large ones; I’m under heavy knitting deadline. Later.
6 Comments so far
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I love fog if I can be home or walking on the beach or something – but driving in it ugh…
Comment by rho1640 08.30.08 @ 8:40 pmIt was so beautiful, though. We were driving through a cloud. (Or I should say, Nina was, I was just enjoying.)
Comment by AlisonH 08.30.08 @ 8:58 pmOne of the things I mis about living in northern California is he fog, really :-}
It is such a strong force, a being in its own right.
I lived just north of Woodland, in Yolo, about 90 minutes East of San Francisco.
You know the poem about how the San Francisco fog creeps in on little cat feet? On that bridge, the kitten was pouncing! And chasing after bits of yarn unwinding in front of it just past the bridge, before the intensity of the gusts of water petered out.
Comment by AlisonH 08.31.08 @ 12:04 pmLeave a comment
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