Filed under: Knit
Did you? My stars. I NEVER do that, and now I’ve done it two shawls in a row. Although the last shawl, at least it was in the very last row or so, quickly fixed.
You see this nice, innocent picture? With the shawl kind of doubled over on itself so it doesn’t look so big, but, it is. The color of the yarn is pretty true on my screen. A bit slippery with silk, a bit dark to work with in a room that could stand to have a little more light in the evenings, which is my prime knitting time. We even went out shopping for a new lamp while I was working on it, but didn’t find one we liked yet. Not to mention, I can’t go near fluorescent ones–please, nobody recommend the Otts here. Thanks.
I snapped this photo and then went to block it. Which, as I started to stretch it out on the guest bed, is when the dropped stitch started to run. And it was a double decrease, meaning one dropped stitch instantly turned into three lines of yarn droppings. (Yes, Mom, I said that. )
Right dead center of the whole thing. I’d gone merrily right past it, closing the gap after it. Totally unsalvageable–there’s no way to recover that and make it look right. All I can do is wait for it to dry and then buy me half an Ocean’s worth of frogs to get back to that point. Dang.
(Edited to add: hmm. I could perhaps weave one small length through, working things back together and fastening the stitches in place and Russian-splicing that into the ongoing yarn. I’ll have to experiment and see if I can get it to look good enough and be safe enough from running again to satisfy me. But I’m picky, and rightfully so.)
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I love looking at your beautiful lace wraps—I’m getting closer to knitting one for myself! Anyway, I know what you mean about knitting in the correct light. I’m not affiliated in anyway with the company. I found these lamps at a local (Minnesota) lighting store and have now purchased five! Two floor lamps for two different reading spots and a desk lamp with a swing arm for the computer desk. I’ve just purchased two more, one floor and one desk, for my son who starts law school next week. (It was a preemptive measure because I knew the ones I had would have been taken!) I love how the light falls on your work/book/knitting and not in your eyes. I set the lamp so that the shade is at eye level and the light just puddles right where I’m working. Here is a website that talks about the lamp’s features:
Wow.. great info on lamps!
AAAAAAAghhhhh, on the ‘yarn droppings’, I DID gasp.
I feel your pain with the shawl. I hope you are able to correct the error with not too much time involved.
Lighting….such a problem!!! I have an Ott light that I loved, absolutely loved, till I got my new glasses that aren’t anti-glare as those scratch easily and the glare seems intensified now.
Will wait with interest to see what you do with the lighting situation.
Good luck with the shawl!
Comment by Joansie 08.13.08 @ 4:52 amIsn’t it amazing how knitting holds it’s devious little self together?
A note on your edited to add- I’ve done that before, because I had the same thing happen to me. It really isn’t that noticeable if you weave in your ends really well. I couldn’t tell afterwards, and I couldn’t see it on a galloping horse. 😉
Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do!
Comment by Liz 08.13.08 @ 5:40 amI have no words of wisdom for the dropped stitches 🙁 As for the light…We got 2 cheap Wal-Mart Gooseneck Desk Lamps (Mainstays I believe)and put 40watt Halogen bulbs in them. They work really well for lighting up your working area and with the halogen bulbs provide enough light for darker yarns and smaller needles.
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 08.13.08 @ 6:02 amOh Alison, I am soooooooooo sorry – I know how sick that makes you feel but, if it’s any consolation to you at all, your sharing this makes those of us who frog frequently feel a little better….if the really great knitters have amphibious moments, it seems there’s hope for the rest of us. 🙂
That probably didn’t help…but thank you for sharing and I do hope you’ll be able to rescue your work without having to begin all over…it is absolutely gorgeous!
oooo, that caused me physical pain. I could see the dropped stitch, laughing at you as it dominoed down…
Comment by Sandra 08.13.08 @ 6:22 amNow You’re the one who needs the hugs. If anyone can recover, it would be you.
As quickly as you knit, though, it might be faster to just frog. (Gasp, did I SAY that?)
This, too, shall pass.
Looking at your time stamp, that’s about when the Knight came home with his news.
Now, you simply must stop the stitch dropping stuff! 😉
Comment by Channon 08.13.08 @ 8:36 amOw. That hurts. I know – I found a mistake on my Julia shawl and had to go back six rows. I was afraid to just take out the needles and unravel because the yarn is thick/thin and slippery. So, one by one, out it came. Now I’m back to where I was and I’m feeling like I just may be a lace knitter, since it seems that only a dedicated lace knitter would do that. Thanks for all of the help and inspiration!
Comment by Linda 08.13.08 @ 9:04 amLeave a comment
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