The dryer was having problems. Then the washing machine died. Glug glug clunk splat. So I did what any reasonable knitter would do: I went to a yarn store.
And one that was north of San Francisco, for that matter, a good 80 minutes away–if you’re going to run away from handwashing yours and your 6’8″ husband’s clothes in the bathtub, you might as well really run away.  While telling myself that since I only get to Marin Fiber Arts on average maybe once or so a year, there was no point, should I happen to truly fall in love with a yarn there, in spending the whole next year wishing I’d bought it–just buy the durn thing already. Justify that gas money. Support that LYSO who is absolutely one of the nicest and best.
This proved not to be a problem.
Note that it was actually Warren’s day off, and he drove over despite an appointment later that was a goodly distance away simply because Robin, who’d come from an hour north while on vacation, and Nina and I, coming from the south, wanted to see him. (And each other.) He has a fan club. He’s a sweetheart. We took him to lunch and thanked him.
I fell in love with the Whisper merino laceweight and asked if it was Frederikka Payne who was the dyer? He told me she was. Cool! I met her in Moss Beach a couple of times, back when she had retail sales. Um, yeah…when she was closing out a very soft superfine kid mohair for two dollars a ball I bought dozens of balls, started knitting it, realized how really really nice stuff this was and went back and bought a hundred balls more–I mean, you could make a kid mohair afghan, even knitted doubled, for under twenty bucks! And within eighteen months I’d knitted nearly all of it. Frederikka definitely smiled hello at Stitches afterwards… When I asked a question about the Whisper’s ongoing availability, Warren whipped out his cell phone and asked her on the spot. And now I have a new yarn to go play with.
And I needed something….I was hoping to find something… redwood-y. In the right texture and the right weight, which isn’t easy, because I am very picky about the hand to a yarn. If it’s not soft enough, I’ll never get around to casting it on. I went through the store twice before it hit me: don’t fixate on burgundys and rusts. Look at that Jade Sapphire cashmere/silk in greens in the far corner!
I’d hoped to come home with something really nice, something that would really celebrate Warren’s shop to me. And with those two, I did.
The good times with good friends, and new ones made, though–that was, as always, the best of all. A special shout-out to young Gavin, who drove with his grandma-by-love for an hour to get there and then was the sweetest kid you could imagine while we all talked knitting around him. I asked him at one point who was winning the game he had in his hands, and he smiled shyly and grinned, “Me!”
Nina and Rod joined my husband and me for dinner afterwards. And a good day was had by all. (Pictures tomorrow. I’ve been knitting madly, trying to finish something. It’s late.)
8 Comments so far
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It sounds like such a great day, and I love your tactics for dealing with a broken washing machine!
Comment by PrincessPea 08.30.08 @ 2:06 amRunning away to a LYS is also my favorite form of “running away”. I have one in particular that takes 45 minutes, driving by beatiful New England farm houses/farms, to get to. It matters not at all if I actually take anything home, it’s just a plus:) Have a winderul, relaxing weekend…
Comment by Mary Jane 08.30.08 @ 6:45 amIt sounds like a perfect day, and so much better than hand laundry! I can’t wait to see the yarns, as well as what you decide to make with them 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 08.30.08 @ 8:15 amI like your solution to washer/dryer problems. If the problems become permanent, we have a nearly-new set to sell… 🙂
Comment by no-blog-rachel 08.30.08 @ 8:55 amWhat a fun escape! Now take your new yarn and dirty clothes to a sympathetic friend’s house and give up the handwashing part.
Comment by Michelle 08.30.08 @ 11:01 amYou know that would be my choice too – I hope you left it all up to hubby to fix or buy new 😉
Comment by rho1640 08.30.08 @ 1:04 pmI can see why you made that yarn purchase…and I haven’t even fondled it or I might have had to buy some myself. Glad you made the purchase and had such a good time.
Comment by Joansie 08.30.08 @ 7:01 pmQuite lovely! I’m glad you had a great trip and shared the pretty purchases with us.
Comment by Channon 08.31.08 @ 7:48 amLeave a comment
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