Teri and I used to chat occasionally via the Knitlist, and I found out her dad was the partner (retired now) of our family’s ENT doctor. Cool! So she grew up here. I snapped this photo of our backyard lemon tree to share a bit of California with her. She lives in Hawaii these days, and one time, while visiting her folks, she showed up at our house with a box of chocolate-covered Hawaiian macadamias: one of those too-rare times where you get to actually meet a person you’ve known online. She’s as warm and wonderful in person as she is across the electrons.
I wrote a few days ago about knitting for the staff at Stanford Hospital, and here’s a post from two years ago that is important to me as well. You’ve got to go see what Teri just did! Wow!
(Edited to add: Teri got the ball rolling re the plans for yarn and needles in the waiting areas; I hope they follow through.
I have another friend who was hospitalized with a serious illness and baby twins at home she wanted to be taking care of, and she was telling me afterwards about a nursing assistant at Stanford Hospital who was supremely understanding and kind and who took the time to be there for her and her husband: to listen and to make them laugh. He was such a gifted healer at a time they needed it. I asked her the guy’s name, sure I already knew… Was it Noel C.? Yes!)
5 Comments so far
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That is so cool. But beyond the amazing heart, I really like the bit at the end about having knitting needles and yarn available in the hospital. I knit my way through last summer like a crazy lady (actually, it kept me sane). I can still tell you what I knit where–hospital or nursing home. And I’m trying to figure out what to bring with me for the c-section. I have to get there early. I’d best have something to keep my mind off worrying about the surgery.
Comment by amy 08.08.08 @ 1:47 pmI love that heart! And yes, it is a wonderful thing when meeting an online friend results in a real-world friend. I have a couple now, and I am so glad that I took the chance. 🙂
Comment by Jocelyn 08.08.08 @ 4:56 pmYou always have the most heartenwarming stories. Thank you for sharing. Amazing how everything has a way of falling into place for a reason. I’m glad you were able to reconnect with Noel….such a beautiful name!!!
Comment by Joansie 08.08.08 @ 6:00 pmIt’s a small world after all…
That happens often in our small town with a big university in the midst. I like it!
Comment by Channon 08.11.08 @ 5:39 amLeave a comment
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