Filed under: Non-Knitting
A side note: I like to answer every comment, but there was a problem with my email that hopefully is fixed now after I noticed that some of the ones on the last post never appeared in my inbox. If you didn’t hear from me, I apologize.
Okay, another one just for fun. That one top and center–boy does that bring back memories of exclaiming to a friend way back when when we were all in our early 20’s, “You bought a PINTO? Your first new car, and you bought a PINTO?!” having many growing-up memories of my neighbor upset at his because the darn thing ran only when it felt like it on alternate fifth Saturdays of the month.
Well, the salesman had talked him into it, and it was cheap…
(I need to go car shopping. I really, really don’t want to.)
5 Comments so far
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The top and center car is an AMC Gremlin. Another car equally as bad as, or maybe slightly worse than, the Pinto. My hubby had an AMC Hornet wagon when I first met him. Dark green. With Gucci interior! I guess it was short-lived attempt by AMC to give a little class to their vehicles? It was a nasty car, at any rate. No power steering. You needed to have arms like Conan the Barbarian to turn a corner in the stupid thing. Those were the days. LOL.
Comment by Paula 07.08.08 @ 3:11 amMy first car was a 1978 Ford Fiesta handed down to me from my mom and dad. It def had some problems but it ran and got me where I needed to go 🙂 My Aunt who is 16 yrs older than me had a Pinto for a few yrs, the bad thing… well in her case a good thing…is right after she traded it in the person who bought it next was rear ended and the car caught fire, seems it didnt have the new gas tank installed, OUCH!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 07.08.08 @ 6:13 amI hope the person was okay! I’ve seen a Pinto on fire–it was not a pretty sight!
I had to look for awhile, trying to decide if that was a Gremlin or a Pinto, before posting the post. I’m pretty sure Gremlins had a slightly different angle at the area dividing the side windows from the rear ones, but I could be wrong.
Comment by AlisonH 07.08.08 @ 8:50 amWe need to car shop, too, as we have 2-4WD gas guzzlers. (oh yeah, but they ride good.);)
Every time we step onto a car lot we get the feeling (know) that we’re being skewered ever so politely & walk away.
Here’s to comfy, gas sluggin’, leather seated SUVs. _clink!_
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.08.08 @ 9:41 amI knew people with both Gremlins and Pintos when I was a kid! They lasted forever in those families…wonder why others had trouble with them? I like your new shawl. Very elegant!
Comment by Joanne 07.08.08 @ 12:07 pmLeave a comment
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