Filed under: My Garden
I guess it’s the squirrels on this one? A few days ago, I found a redwood seedling popped up among the azaleas. Which is all well and good, but, give it a few years and in the coming argument between the eaves of the house and the redwood, the house loses. So I pulled it out.
And roots came with it. I looked at it a moment and thought, well hey. To paraphrase the old saying, Give trees a chance. I imagine I damaged it too much for it to recover, but I plunked it in an empty pot outside the kitchen for the time being with some water, where I can wonder how I’ll get it out the next time if need be. You never know. Some things recover that you’d never expect.
14 Comments so far
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You never know, you may end up with a Redwood growing in the pot by next spring 🙂 Better start finding a spot to plant it now HEHE!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 07.14.08 @ 4:37 amThe world cannot have too many redwoods. I still remember visiting Big Basin a few years back- totally makes me understand the Brian MacNeill lyric, ‘…in the vale of the redwood cathedral…’. Go, little tree!
Comment by RobinH 07.14.08 @ 5:53 amOh, it’s cute. I want to pat it.
Turns out what I thought was a squash was just a female bud. Whether or not it was fertilized yet? Anyone’s guess. But definitely two good looking peppers on the Anaheim Chili plants.
Comment by Kristine 07.14.08 @ 6:23 amMy garden is fending for itself again this year. I did manage to transplant a few hollyhocks, and they seem happy.
And my Lady’s Mantle came back after a year off gallivanting. I didn’t see them at all last year. (maybe they went to Bermuda?)
I love that you have a little redwood in a pot. I always think of them as huge!
Comment by Liz 07.14.08 @ 7:34 amThat’s so cute. We always have weird seedlings in odd places. We blame it on the birds.
Comment by Channon 07.14.08 @ 7:50 amJust before we moved out of our tiny Victorian row house in England, a neighbor across the street warned me about the sycamore sapling that was thriving in my next door neighbor’s front yard, not 6 feet from MY house. She said, they’re weeds, make him cut it down now or the council will slap a tree-preservation order on it! Loved Carol’s comment about the bonsai. Are you up for that challenge?
Comment by Lynn 07.14.08 @ 8:11 am“Children, children, beware of the baobabs!” (Or something like that. The author’s reaction to the Little Prince’s travails with baobab seedlings on Asteroid B612.)
But you could have something there, with the bonsai idea. I have a little bonsai palm tree I bought at Ikea a few years back. It’s about 2 feet tall, and I haven’t managed to kill it yet. Maybe you could let the redwood version go to 3 feet or so? 😉
Comment by Paula 07.14.08 @ 5:58 pmAt my house it is little holly trees that spring up everywhere. Last time John was pulling them up some neighbors came by and left with 4 tiny trees.
Comment by Sonya 07.14.08 @ 10:10 pmI once visited the Muir ? Redwood trees near
San Francisco- Looks like a good start on the Hyde
Redwood forrest!
All we are sayin’…
Give trees a chance!
Gotta love it. You’re one in a million, Alison.
Comment by AmyS 07.16.08 @ 11:29 amI want one! Wonder if they’d grow in Maryland? We have enough rain…no need for fog rolling in.
Let’s see…bonzai Redwood would be 1/10 scale, or about 100′ tall? What a hoot!
Comment by Karen 07.28.08 @ 4:43 pmLeave a comment
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