Filed under: "Wrapped in Comfort"
Let’s have a do-over on the blocking here. I picked this shawl up this morning (deliberately) before it was bone dry: I’m going to rinse it again and smooth out the bottom edge rather than trying to have the pattern end in points. Knitpicks’ merino/silk heavyish fingering weight was a bit too bulky for that.  The points just weren’t crisp enough for me, and as I ran the wires through last night I was pretty sure I was going to bag them later. But I wanted to see first. A rounded edge is easier to maintain anyway, and it’s not something any recipient should be having to worry about.
I was so sure this one wasn’t going to stretch past maybe 24″, but sometimes yarns surprise you. Blocked, held up, it’s 27″, and I had enough yarn out of my two skeins that I could have gotten it to 30″. Size 9 (5.5mm) needles.
A side note: the fireworks last night probably worked out well for parents of small children needing to go to bed. They started an hour early this year, given the extra darkness.
7 Comments so far
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I took my oldest only, and my 4yo stayed home with Daddy and was asleep well before they started. I always marvel at the babies and toddlers out at 10pm for fireworks. It doesn’t seem worth it. Now, it was a special thing for my oldest and the youngest isn’t in meltdown mode all day from being up too late. The baby in utero did NOT like the finale, though. I got punched a lot. 😉
Comment by amy 07.05.08 @ 12:15 pmJust beautiful! I love the colour.
Comment by Vicki 07.05.08 @ 3:19 pmBeautiful Shawl!!
My son has liked fireworks since he was 6mos old! WE had a large family get together with about 3hrs worth of kid shot off and adult shot off fireworks at the end. My cousin has 2 boys almost 1 and almost 3 and they were still awake and ready to play when they got home at 1 yesterday am. My sisters 2 (7 and 11) were asleep before the fireworks were done 🙂
The shawl is gorgeous! I’m partial to smooth edges so it’s perfect. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.07.08 @ 5:12 amLove the small version without points. And the color! Ah! Lovely…
Comment by Channon 07.07.08 @ 8:08 amThe Shawl is beautiful, starting my first lace project and I got shivers seeing all the work put into it!
Thanks for taking a look at my blog, the birdies are multiplying daily.
Comment by martha lombardi 07.07.08 @ 1:24 pmLeave a comment
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