My daughter in Vermont wanted to see pictures of the plum tree she’d instigated, and the emailed picture didn’t go through, so I’m putting up shots here of the day it was planted and what it looks like today, two months later. Sprouting like a teenager–it’s already taller than me.
My children gave me a new summer tradition, and they didn’t even know it. About 8pm each Wednesday, I figure it’s late enough in the day that the UV levels are probably not a problem. And I go out in the back yard–such a simple grace to be granted to one’s soul–and I water my trees.
The most amazing thing happened when I did last night: it was quiet as I walked out the door. No counting to see how long it would take before I got squawked at (two steps, on average), no bluejays flitting noisily just above my head. I’d seen two out there earlier in the day, but territory-wise, the back yard was all mine now. Double-check those hearing aid batteries…but no. All was quiet on the western front. The little ones must have fledged.
And I feel like the proud momma as if I’d raised them myself.
7 Comments so far
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I’ve been reading your blog for some time and I’ve enjoyed it very much. I’m a brand new spinner.
I, like your daughter, live in beautiful here.
Comment by Joansie 07.17.08 @ 10:55 amWow, the plum tree is growing very well! You must be tickled with it doing so well. 🙂
Congrats on your birdie raisin’.
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.17.08 @ 11:57 amYesterday, Lucy stood up with the help of the bathtub edge.
She can pull herself up using your hands as leverage.
She hasn’t made the connection yet, but I swear, you can literally see her working it out.
Comment by Kristine 07.17.08 @ 12:42 pmI love watering the garden, too. That’s my job. The kids may get to the blueberry bushes before I do, but I sure love watering them and weeding a bit and checking out my apple tree. It feels really good.
Comment by Carina 07.17.08 @ 6:50 pmThe flowerbeds are mine and I love working in then during the spring and fall before it gets to hot or to cold for me to. My son also gets great pleasure out of helping mommy build, plant and tend her gardens!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 07.18.08 @ 6:19 amLeave a comment
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