Filed under: Spinning
Look! Up in the sky! It’s Battman! And Bobbin, the toy winder!
(Some spontaneous wheel decorating took place about ten years ago when a kid tried to balance a cup of grape juice on the sidebars of the wheel. This didn’t work out quite as well as was apparently hoped, and has made for endless teasing ever since. Does the purple racing stripe bother me? Nah, get a grape on it. No wine-ing allowed.)
10 Comments so far
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Too funny! It brought a smile to my face and I needed that this morning.
Comment by Joansie 07.18.08 @ 4:38 amOoh, puns so early in the morning! (Obligatory moan in reply.) Happy? Well, yes.
Happy weekend to you!
Comment by Barbara-Kay 07.18.08 @ 4:40 amSigh. It is time. I need to make room in my living room for a wheel to come live with me.
Comment by Channon 07.18.08 @ 5:52 amLOL Nothing like a few well-placed fiber puns to start my day off right.
Thanks Alison :-}
Purple is such a great accent color! It’s a lovely wheel with or without the stripe. Without is ordinary while with is full of history, love & laughter…gimme the latter. 😉
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.18.08 @ 7:21 amYou are so good at making my eyes roll WAY back into my head and getting me to laugh at the same time.
Comment by no-blog-rachel 07.18.08 @ 7:52 amHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Such a Yoker. Or Rib-ler. Or maybe Batt Woman! ;- )
Comment by Lynn 07.18.08 @ 8:22 amAaaandddddd sheeeeeeeeee’s offfffffffffff!
I have a feeling I would have been far outclasses at the family pun-a-thons. Plus, I would have been too busy laughing to think.
You are the Queen!
Comment by AmyS 07.18.08 @ 11:28 amGROAN!! I just found your blog for the first time yesterday and already you have me shaking my head. I can only imagine what I have been missing all this time. Ann
Comment by Ann B. 07.18.08 @ 1:25 pmLeave a comment
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