Filed under: My Garden
I stepped outside just now to snap some shots of the glads that have started to bloom, and the honeysuckle plant next to them caught my eye: a honeybee was buzzing in and out. It’s a little overgrown, but if the plant is helping the honeybee population, I’m all for it.
I grew up on a street called Honeybee Lane, where honeysuckles grew wild and abundantly at the edges of the woods; we kids used to pull the stamens slowly to the base of the tiny flowers to taste that little bit of nectar in them.
The hummingbirds like the glads, and I can see them from our kitchen, their green flashing in and out amongst the bright pink.
More on the knitting later; I’m trying to keep it a surprise. But the latest project, which I expect to finish this afternoon, is canna lilies translated into lace. Although, looking at my glads, I realize it’s not too far off from being individual glad blossoms among their siblings on the stalk.
9 Comments so far
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What a beautiful name…Honeybee Lane. For awhile I lived on “Lovers Lane” (how embarassing)but everyone my age knew “back when”.
I love the sound of hummingbirds flapping their wings. They are plentiful in Vermont.
Comment by Joansie 07.22.08 @ 11:30 amI love Glads….Reminds me of my Aunt Gladys. She was as sunny as a Summer days and as Beautiful…to me…as the beauties in your picture! Thanks for them and your reminder of one of my favorite family members!
I too love hummingbirds…I think that if I was a bird I would be a hummingbird…& I know just who’s house I would frequent 😉
We used to suck the nectar from the base of clover blossoms (the big purple ones)
It’s why I have an affection for that shawl in your book :-}
Gladys are one of my all time favorites, can’t wait to see the new project!
Comment by grace 07.22.08 @ 5:55 pmI have some more Glads blooming tho they dont quite have the beauty of yours with the varigated colors. The pink ones have faded and the orangey ones are blooming 🙂 I love em they are so pretty!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 07.23.08 @ 6:36 amI live in the only wooded area in Virginia with no honeysuckle! Gasp! How did that happen?
Comment by Channon 07.23.08 @ 6:42 amWhat?? You don’t manicure your plants to the nubs?? WTG!! All the little critters need to eat & have a place to live in peace. 🙂
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.23.08 @ 12:28 pmYour flowers are beautiful and your stories are inspirational–one in particular reminding me to try to be patient, remembering that every life is a story–but the mystery I might never uncover is why some people choose to take out their frustrations on others. Thank you.
Comment by Scout4700 08.06.08 @ 7:03 pmLeave a comment
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