Nice idea. Spent a lot of time on it today. Good thing I swatched before I launched into it on a grand scale. Watch me frog. Watch me hit the delete button. ‘Bye.
Nice idea #2. Spent a lot of time on it this evening. Realized it won’t work well with the idiosyncracies not to mention the quantities of the yarn I’m wanting to use. Nope. Try again.
Nice idea #3. Hey. I like this one! Careful consideration of yarn qualities and quantities taken into account. I think I got it this time. Nope, haven’t swatched–I ran out of day.
9 Comments so far
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I’m always amazed at how this stage of a project takes SO MUCH longer than I anticipate! I look forward to seeing the swatch…
Comment by PrincessPea 07.16.08 @ 12:28 amAnother reason I can’t see myself designing… I’ll leave it to the professionals! 😉
Comment by Channon 07.16.08 @ 5:26 amLOL
Add in lots of scribbles on my favorite dictation pads and you sound like me :-}
Rippit Ribbit, I am totally with you on this process. Whole days are lost this way–or found? In the end, I’m always happier that I frogged and tried again!
Comment by Joanne 07.16.08 @ 8:44 amI think like DianeT! The seeds look like our arums but the leaves are much smaller. If they are, let the birds have ’em! Hope tomorrow (today?) either gives you quicker progress or more hours!
Comment by Lynn 07.16.08 @ 9:48 amWhat!!!?? You don’t just throw a new book together overnight??? _SNORT_ 😉 Sounds like a hair pullin’ kinda day to me.
Love the plants!
Comment by Toni Smoky-Mountains 07.17.08 @ 9:54 amLeave a comment
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