Filed under: Knit
I have occasionally mentioned here and on the knitting lists my idea that if you want to get an idea of how your crumpled tin foil-y-looking stuff will look like in real life once your lace project is done, or if you simply want to like it better or show it off better while working on it, rinse it gently in tepid water, still on the needles, and lay it out to dry overnight to let the stitches settle into their natural patterns.
So, knowing this was probably a dumb move, I did that last night. With about 300 stitches of a thicker-than-my-usual yarn on one not terribly long circular needle (knowing full well I should be using two or one unusually long one), all bunched up. Okay, you can see the outcome already, and so could I, but I really really needed to know how long this was getting to be, having never put that yarn with that pattern before and knowing that some silk yarns have a tendency to stretch out when wet. The overall weight of the shawl affects the hang of it more than you could learn from a small swatch, which is one excuse for why of course I didn’t swatch it; the other being, I already knew it would fit when I was done, so hey. But I did need to know that length now.
Which is why I winced but took the hairdryer to it this morning. No, it’s not as long as I thought, no, I’m not done after all, and I do need to finish it today. No, I do not recommend potentially shrinking your shawl with a hairdryer, so I set it on low in penitence. Before I turned it up in impatience.
5 Comments so far
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you are funny! It was a good plan and you did get some of the answers you wanted. Remember, knitters are only patient when they are knitting lace, they are not patient when they are waiting for things to dry, dye, or whatever. When the process is going to give us information so we can continue knitting, we are never patient.
Comment by Vicki 06.23.08 @ 1:15 pmI imagine you are finished with the whole sordid affair by now. The hairdryer must have been the turning point.
Comment by Michelle 06.23.08 @ 5:43 pmI hope it didnt shrink!! As long as you got the info you needed it cant be all bad 🙂
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 06.24.08 @ 5:11 amHi Alison, you are always learning lessons for the rest of us, aren’t you…:)
Comment by Karin 06.24.08 @ 6:21 amVicki, some of us aren’t even patient enough for lace, or drying our own long hair in the morning!
Comment by Lynn 06.24.08 @ 6:33 amLeave a comment
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