Tuesday May 20th 2008, 4:32 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends,Life

If one were to get married in the middle of the street, this is what I’d go for, flower petals circling down in the soft breeze on a glorious spring day.

This was one of the streets we drove through on our way to my piano lessons, which were held twice a week as I was growing up. The other cherry blossoms in DC I saw this photo and instantly heard the classical piece whose name escapes me but which I could go play the intro to right now, that came on on radio station WTOP as Mom drove home: announcing that it was 5:00 and time for the news.

But Mom made a point of exclaiming over the blossoms and making sure my friend Kathy and I took them in, too, as we went along, not getting too distracted away from the moment. It would be over all too soon as it was, and then you’d have to wait another year.

These cherry trees, 1200 of them, were I believe the same variety as the more famous ones planted along the Tidal Basin. This is the Kenwood neighborhood in Maryland near the DC line, and one of my fellow piano students lived just off to the left. Photo from

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Comment by Laura in Alameda, CA 05.20.08 @ 11:04 pm

Oh, how I miss being at the Tidal Basin when the trees are blooming! I first experienced them in their glory when one afternoon, my Poli Sci professor announced it was too pretty to be inside. She set us free for the afternoon, with a few suggested sites from which to read the pages she’d still have to assign so we didn’t get too far behind. My friends and I headed to the Tidal Basin. Sigh.

Comment by Channon 05.21.08 @ 5:51 am

Lilacs. I want lilacs. I want to fill the Elks club with lilacs.

Comment by Kristine 05.21.08 @ 6:05 am

Whoa! Oh mercy. Absolutely and breathtakingly beautiful!… now I’m imagining the way it must smell.

Comment by marianne 05.21.08 @ 6:33 am

That is absolutley gorgeous. I think I’d just want to sit in the middle of the road and enjoy them.

Comment by Allison 05.21.08 @ 6:45 am

How beautiful! I love blossoms!

Comment by Vicki 05.21.08 @ 5:55 pm

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