Filed under: Family
I wanted to show E here how her roses are opening up today; she grew these herself.
My son Richard arrived home last night with a gift for me from Ann, his about-to-be mother-in-law. Ann lives near the beach, and at one point told me she was looking forward to showing it to me. I had to explain, to make sure she knew, that it would have to be getting towards sunset for me to be able to safely go: lupus and UV and all that.
Richard handed me one-day-delayed Mother’s Day chocolates from him and his fiancee, and a box from Ann. I opened it up, and…
Wow. It was SO perfect.
She had gone down to the beach and collected some sand dollars. She had carefully wrapped each little one, fragile as they are, so it could make it through the flight unbroken and without damaging the next one over.
She had brought the beach to me.
14 Comments so far
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Oh, Alison. That is so wonderful. How very, very special. Your son, and your family, are very lucky, I think, in terms of in-laws.
Comment by Linda W 05.13.08 @ 12:50 pmE’s flowers are lovely… and what a beautiful, thoughtful gift from Ann.
P.S. I really enjoyed your plum/Mother’s Day/E story : )
Comment by Octopus Knits 05.13.08 @ 3:39 pm🙂 The roses are beautiful and score on getting daughter-in-law with a nice mom.
Comment by Tiny Tyrant 05.13.08 @ 4:15 pmtotally fantastic present – with a mom like that the daughter has to be super too!
Comment by rho 05.13.08 @ 6:21 pmDon’t you just love sand dollars? How thoughtful, to send the beach to you. You definitely draw back to yourself all the good you put out there. (Following up on my comment on the last post, that you are a gift to your friends. I’m glad they are a gift to you, as well.)
Comment by amy 05.13.08 @ 6:29 pmBeautiful flowers, and love those shells. I try to keep some of the beach with me too.
Comment by Channon 05.14.08 @ 5:54 amAhhhh, what wonderful presents you received…Sweetness all around!
Not to mention lemon cake…yummm!
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