Saturday April 12th 2008, 12:38 pm
Filed under: Friends
Filed under: Friends
The owner of the lion called Amy a week later: their cat was still sluggish, (just like it had been before they’d brought it in), and they were complaining about its maybe having been given too much anesthesia. Amy assured them that there was no way it would still be affecting the lion by now, that it simply was quite ill (which it was).
And then, after she hung up, went, What did they THINK I was going to do!!!
5 Comments so far
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As you and I know, anesthesia certainly does not last that long.
Comment by Amanda 04.12.08 @ 1:53 pmSometimes you want so very much for a creature to feel better. If veterinary intervention helps, that’s all to the good. If the creature continues to feel badly, however, somehow or other it’s terribly easy to feel that the vet has not done enough.
Comment by RobinM 04.12.08 @ 3:01 pmLeave a comment
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