I heard the car and sprang our front door open to greet them. We got to meet our son’s future mother-, father-, and brother-in-law. You know how, some people, you meet them and you instantly love them? There was an intense and immediate sense of belonging that only grew better as we talked. They didn’t have very long, though, with a family celebration to get to, so I brought over two things.
First, I showed Ann the Camelspin project I was working on and told her she had her choice, I wanted to make sure I got the color right, sorry I hadn’t gotten this one very far along yet. She went “Oooh!” at it.
Then she opened the bag with the shawl. And that was the end of that question. That one. Wow. And Ann, if everybody reacted as speechless and thrilled as you did when you put that on, there would be more knitters knitting for more people in this world. THANK you!!
And then, with it wrapped around her, she forgot her coat and had to come back awhile later to retrieve it. I wondered about what else I could quietly snatch so I’d get to see her yet again before they flew home, but I behaved myself and didn’t.
My son is one very lucky man.
13 Comments so far
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Hee. I second Amy’s request! 😉
It’s so great that ya’ll got along right away – sometimes in-law relationships can be a little strained.
Your son is lucky for more reasons than that – his mum loves his future wife’s family, that’s a big thing they won’t have to worry about! It’s just another gift that you gave someone, Alison, only this time it was a lot of people in the one gesture.
Comment by Adrian 03.16.08 @ 7:20 amMy parents and my in-laws also hit it off right away – they became great friends. My Dad has passed, but my in-laws always make a point of including my Mom and picking her up so she doesn’t have to drive alone. It’s so nice.
Comment by Sandra 03.16.08 @ 8:48 amI heard somewhere that when someone leaves something behind at your home, it means subconsciously they were comfortable and wanted to stay there :-}
Comment by Diana Troldahl 03.16.08 @ 12:25 pmIf only everyone was that fortunate. I think that is such an important relationship, yet many are strained. I am so happy for all you, that you will have a good one.
Comment by Lisa 03.16.08 @ 4:01 pmI’m tickled for you all!
Bless her heart, she was obviously thrilled with the shawl. 🙂
About Diana’s comment: we have been close friends with a couple that also has 2 kids; we have been visiting each other for almost 20 years, staying overnight etc., spending Thaksgiving together…and EVERY time one of us leaves something behind in the other one’s house…not consciously…but we are on a 20 year streak here!
It always gives as at least one excuse to go visit with each other and bring the forgotten item.
And yes your son is very lucky, on several counts.
Comment by Karin 03.16.08 @ 7:47 pmI am so pleased to hear that your son is gaining a wonderful family to cal his in laws. I am also thrilled that the shawl was such a hit. Take care.
Comment by Vicki 03.16.08 @ 8:40 pmThe shawl is gorgeous, and I’m also so happy for you about all the good vibes in this match. But most of all, I love your pun! Very clever. ;o)
Comment by AmyS 03.16.08 @ 11:56 pmYay! I’m so glad the meeting went well! In-laws can be such a wonderful part of a marriage, and it’s great if both sides like each other. YAY!
Comment by Toni 03.17.08 @ 5:49 amPerfect! You seem to have that knack though, for creating just the right thing for a given person…
Comment by Channon 03.17.08 @ 6:29 amLeave a comment
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