Note to self
Thursday March 27th 2008, 11:33 am
Filed under: To dye for

Do NOT scratch your head or push your hair out of the way with dye on your hands. You are too young to be a blue-haired old lady.

Fifteen more minutes on the dyepot (and after picking up the blue, I chose the red anyway.)

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Oboy, do I know that one! I used to have a habit of wiping my hands on the front of my pants. Had a wonderful pair of very colorful levis.

Comment by Linda W 03.27.08 @ 11:39 am

Levi’s don’t take three years to grow out of; just, one, say, exuberantly-baking Christmas season… (Grab me a mirror for the back, I think I’m okay.)

Comment by AlisonH 03.27.08 @ 11:45 am

Oh no – the dye has to be PURPLE!!
Go right down the middle for a
mohawk effect!!

Comment by Sue H 03.27.08 @ 11:54 am

That’s right up there with a comment a male friend of mine made one day: “Don’t go to the bathroom after peeling jalapeno peppers–at least not without washing your hands first.”

Comment by Abby 03.27.08 @ 12:34 pm

Too funny! I will remember that one, I do forget and touch things with dye on my hands.

Comment by Vicki 03.27.08 @ 2:01 pm

Thats a reminder I will keep on the cabinet over the stove once I get set up to dye!

Comment by Danielle from SW MO 03.27.08 @ 2:50 pm

Ha! Ha! Ha! I have some dark turquoise dye–maybe I’ll wear a shower cap when I decide to use it….:)

Comment by Toni 03.27.08 @ 4:48 pm

oh pictures pictures πŸ˜€

Comment by rho1640 03.27.08 @ 5:16 pm

ROFLMAO! I’m often too rushed to put on my rubber gloves, and of course THOSE are the times when the mixing bottle leaks. usually when I am using a nice, blood red, and it all dribbles between my fingers and stays there for a week, looking like I did a Bad Thing to myself with a large knife. Although the last time it happened with blue, on a Saturday, and the eucharistic minister must have been wondering about me when he came by to hand me my Jesus cookie. My daughter Phoebe gets into similar messes, and showed up at the communion rail one week with splotches of black India ink all over her hands. Poor Hope went to put the wafer in her palm, saw the ink stains, and started chuckling. I was four or five people down the row, and she was still fighting giggles when she got to me.

I suppose I may have had dye splash into my hair on occasion, but having dark brown hair (or bottle red, depending on my mood) I haven’t noticed.

Must confess, though — I’ve wondered what would happen to my hair if I applied a streak of Jacquard Sapphire blue….and then told myself quickly, “Paula, you are waaaaaaay too old to get away with that.”

Well, at least I have never tried to deep fry a squirrel — in a corn popper, or anything else, for that matter. πŸ˜‰

Comment by Paula 03.28.08 @ 5:14 am

I can identify!

Comment by LizzieK8 03.28.08 @ 6:44 am

I can see a bit of blue lookin’ really good on a nice upsweep! πŸ™‚
Love all the stories! I have this aggravating dialup that’s preventing time for all comments’s rainy, so extra slowwwww. Ah well.

Comment by Toni 03.28.08 @ 7:51 am

And once dyed, what will you knit? Enquiring mind would like to know :).

Comment by RobinH 03.28.08 @ 9:53 am

Just think of them as racing stripes. πŸ˜‰

Comment by Liz 03.28.08 @ 10:23 am

If you are seen with “special” hair, everyone will want to look like you.
You trendsetter you!

Comment by Sonya 03.28.08 @ 2:15 pm

“…and then told myself quickly, Ò€œPaula, you are waaaaaaay too old to get away with that.Ò€”

Nope πŸ™‚ I don’t think you’re ever too old! Rock the colors!

Comment by Amy 03.28.08 @ 6:09 pm

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