Filed under: Friends
Driving by the baylands to the post office with Andy’s package on Friday… I know, it’s hardly a great picture–squint real hard, they’re back there–but it’s what this camera can do from a distance.
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I must learn where the geographical line is drawn between the part of the country where kids play “Duck Duck Goose” and the part where they play “Duck Duck Grey Duck”. I grew up with the latter, but the kids in my current part of the country play the former, and that’s what my kids learned. It still seems strange to me!
Comment by Niki 03.02.08 @ 2:13 pmNiki, I have never heard of “duck duck grey duck” before. Curious. Toni, I haven’t seen buttercups blooming since I left home for college, and man am I having a stab of homesickness at that question! I need to fly home in the right season and see buttercups and mountain laurels again sometime. Those are mustard plants, which, along with the oxalis, which they resemble from a distance, are blooming all over California right now.
I grew up in Northern Virginia, where it was Duck, Duck, Goose. Where did you grow up, Niki? I’m not familiar with Duck, Duck, Grey Duck. (Although I do know a song about the old grey goose.)
Comment by Laura 03.02.08 @ 8:20 pmDuck Duck Goose here in the Heartland. I too remember the Old Grey Goose song!
Comment by Danielle from SW MO 03.03.08 @ 8:06 amAs a Central VA gal (Warrenton was still central back then…), duck, duck goose was a big part of gym class, girl scouts, recess…
We saw well over 100 geese in a field near a large lake on Saturday. It was near dusk, and neither of us had a camera. Shoot.
Comment by Channon 03.03.08 @ 8:17 amLeave a comment
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