Filed under: Life
A couple of days ago, I followed a link to a link to a link when I was trying to rest my hands from knitting for a bit but avoiding picking up a book because then I’d never put it down, and I stumbled across a blog that spoke to me. The writer was a nurse whose house was falling apart and it felt to her like everything else was too. That day’s post was a cri de coeur. The blog was private, and I felt like an intruder for reading it.
Now, nurses hold a close spot in my heart to begin with. I owe a lot to quite a few of them. I could tell you story after story after story of moments they’ve made all the difference in the world to this patient. And so I did what I do, wishing I could help–I went through my stash, thinking, what do you knit for a total stranger you’ve never laid eyes on before? If she’ll let me? White’s pretty safe. Boring to knit after awhile, perhaps, but safe. And I had the best white yarn I know of, that Blue Sky stuff, leftover from the Wanda’s Shawl I knitted my sister for Christmas. (I always buy more than I need, even on my own pattern. You can always use leftovers. You can never replace the hours you spent knitting a project that turned out not to have enough yarn to finish. It’s almost a religion for me. Buy extra.)
I have had just a few times when I’ve been motivated to knit something and then circumstances became such that the person who sparked it (who never knew) never got it; someone else needed it more. I plan, but in the end I just go with the flow of what feels right.
So I sat down and knitted that scarf through the day till it was done. I know who I definitely want it to go to. I posted it yesterday in the context of Louisiana memories, thinking that if that nurse reads it, she’ll understand why. I put a comment on her blog, and if she wants to follow it, she’ll find this, and she’ll have my email address (I think–if not, it’s in my sidebar here.) If not, then, into the FO stash it goes, waiting its turn for serendipity to show up.
But I’m really hoping she reads this. I read her post with memories of when we remodelled 11 years ago, when our previously old-but-sound roof now had 17 buckets and bowls under it after the contractor left. Rain coming through an electric socket over here and a light socket over there–fried that overhead light, too–that was scary, and the contractor did, at least, take responsibility for and fix those. In the end, we had to replace our roof, and since the water, gas, and electrical lines ran across the roof now (the house was built with them under the concrete slab–bad idea in earthquake country), we had to rip them out and have a do-over. At least we could. We were lucky, financially, and we knew it.
A scarf isn’t going to hold the rain off her head–it’s kind of laughable. But…it’s what I know how to do from here. It’s a gesture of we’re all in this life thing together.
And maybe I’ll hear from her so I can send it. I hope so. More importantly, maybe she’ll know that others are pulling for her, whether she lets me know who she is or not.
5 Comments so far
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I hope she reads your post and contacts you!
Comment by Danielle from SW Missouri 02.05.08 @ 1:26 pmi hope she reads your post. I think you are brave for making it for her. Giving strangers gifts from the heart is so frowned upon by some, and I don’t know why. It can make such a difference to someone.
Comment by Vicki 02.05.08 @ 1:31 pmI have faith that she’ll find it and that you’ll be able to send it to her. Things like that were meant to happen.
Comment by Kate 02.05.08 @ 2:58 pmAw, bless her heart, and good for you putting a little action behind your faith. 🙂 Trusting she will contact you soon.
Comment by Toni 02.06.08 @ 6:18 amI like what you said, a gesture of we’re all in this life thing together. It somehow reminds me of something Elaine L. Jack said, “We cannot always lift the burden of someone who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.” Like my friend, Nancy, who brought me cookies, just so “you’ll know I’m thinking of you”. Thanks, Alison, you’ve given me new inspiration and motivation.
Comment by Joyce in NH 02.07.08 @ 7:12 amLeave a comment
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