And let me know she did. With great delight on her part, and mine as well. The Blue Sky Alpacas scarf is blocked, bagged, mailed, and on its way to where it rightfully belongs.
And this
And missed the shot of the pelican flapping its great wings and the snowy egret near it in the marsh, but I can at least give you the context of where I see them on my way to the post office.
I got passed by a late-model black Maserati utterly impatient with the speed limit, flooring it around me when he got to the dotted line in the road. I looked at his rapidly receding car and thought, you take your riches, hon. I’ve got mine. I win.
But gimme my birds back.
Eh. Next time. I’ll be back.
8 Comments so far
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It’s beautiful! And, I’m sure so very much appreciated and, you’re also right…we don’t value what’s valuable…usually not until we’ve suffered and then, we see what’s truly valuable…and things are placed in proper perspective…thank you for pointing it out. 🙂 And, Alison, you’re a treasure!
Best wishes,
Sounds like that person didnt appreciate the beauty of the drive and area around him. I’m forever having to remind Brian that he needs to “slowdown” and appreciate all thats around him. I know that until I was forced to slow down I was constantly on the go and usually in a hurry. Thank You for the ever so Elequant reminder 🙂
I am glad the scarf is on its way to where it belongs. How wonderful! Hope the Maserati driver learns to slow down and enjoy the world. It would be sad if he didn’t.
Comment by Vicki 02.06.08 @ 10:48 pmOh, I’m so glad she found you, that you found each other! Which pattern did you use for the scarf? I’m amazed at how quickly you can make these, how quickly you can act on your generous and thoughtful desires. And what a lovely drive you have to get to the post office!
Comment by Joyce in NH 02.07.08 @ 7:14 amI see people in my town driving like maniacs all the time. Which is absurd. It takes 20 minutes-tops, to go from one end of town to the other doing the speed limit. Some people jsut drive crazy…
Comment by Carol 02.07.08 @ 9:15 amI try to teach my kids and I myself firmly believe that rich and happy people are not those who have everything they want, but rather those who have learned to enjoy what they have. So, maserati or not – you sound as if you are the richer of those on the road that day. I may never see the inside of The Louvre, but I have watched meteor showers with my daughter while laying in our driveway and I know in my heart of hearts that I am wealthy beyond measure for having taken the time to really see and experience that which is FREE. I think it’s ironic that so many people value Speed and technological performance and as I age, I have begun to see these exact same things as UNdesirable. I don’t want to go faster. I want to SAVOR my journey – and that is impossible from a maserati! Hhhmph… boy I sound old! I like how your site tickles the pondering part – thanks – people who think fresh thoughts aren’t old – right!
Comment by Tammy M 02.07.08 @ 1:36 pmLeave a comment
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