Filed under: Life
One other thing about Monday: I put a small Nordstrom’s bag (it was what I could find, and hey, the one at Stanford Mall sells the best chocolate truffles in town–go to the top floor to their refrigerator case, over near Customer Service. Oh. Okay. Back to the narrative) inside my knitting bag with the three scarves inside it and went off to my doctor’s appointment, intending to stop by Urgent Care afterwards.
On my way out, a woman about my age passed me. A few moments later, as I waited for the elevator, she was approaching me again, coming from the opposite hallway, reading signs, and it caught my attention–I thought, how did you get past me? So I asked her, “You look lost. Can I help you?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed. “Do you know where Urgent Care is?”
I pointed out the window next to us, “It’s on the ground floor right there.”
Oh, okay. So she got in the elevator with me, and when it opened on the ground floor, she didn’t get out. I prompted her, “This is the floor. Would you like me to walk you there?”
No, no, that was okay, she could find it now, thanks.
And I merrily got in my car and drove out of the parking structure. And then it hit me. DUH!!! *I* was supposed to go to Urgent Care! How had I forgotten those scarves! All those cues from talking to that woman and I didn’t remember. Dumb dumb dumb. So I pulled the car back around, went back down again, parked the car again, got back out again, went upstairs again, and walked over to Urgent Care at last myself, feeling more than a little bit silly.
It wasn’t till I was writing the post about the very elderly woman I encountered there that it hit me: if I had gone directly as I had planned, if I hadn’t forgotten, I would definitely have been out of there by the time she showed up. I’m so glad it didn’t happen that way.
And when I asked her if she would like an arm, and she answered with delight, “Why, yes!” in that instant it became no longer a heart problem so much as a joyful way for two people to unexpectedly get to meet each other and come together in the moment. There was so much love radiating from her. And so many people in that room who simply didn’t see, as I chuckled inwardly that it was a good thing that I used my cane on the left and she did on the right, so that we matched up together okay without tripping over each other’s canes as I helped her to her seat.
I don’t know whose great-grandmother she is, but they are very lucky to have her.
5 Comments so far
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That kind of thing happens to me all the time. I figure it’s all in Someone’s plan somehow. That makes me feel better about forgetting. 🙂
Comment by Carina 01.30.08 @ 7:46 pmSo glad you were there for her. I love reading your blog and I am missing it! I have started back at work and we are now doing a school drop off so the schedule has changed. I only get to read if it isn’t too busy at work. I miss your blog. Thank you for writing such wonderful stories.
Comment by Vicki 01.30.08 @ 9:02 pmThat is one great “duh” moment! You’ve inspired me and I’m going to put on one my blog.
Comment by ruth 01.31.08 @ 7:12 amwhat a wonderful visual you painted with that last little bit. it will keep me smiling all day!
Comment by marti 01.31.08 @ 8:24 amLeave a comment
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